3 Up
1. Los Angeles Dodgers - In a rough week where the real world just crushes us, the dominance of the Dodgers is one that leaves us in awe, and can take us out into something great for a few minutes.
2. Derek Jeter The Owner - Is there anything that Derek Jeter loses at? The Captain is now part owner of the Miami Marlins, and get this - will be the first owner and CEO of color within MLB. That's HUGE.
3. Married at 98 - These two are getting married at 98 (He's 94). How about they both workout at the gym twice-a-week, and met there. So cool in so many ways. Good for them!
3 Down
1. Charlottesville - So many layers to this story. Hate. History. The ridiculous response from our President. And the apparent shock some in this country have that people are out there who still have this ideology. Point blank, this was terrorism.
2. Trump and North Korea - Just before Charlottesville, Trump talked tough for absolutely no reason in a back-and-forth that unfortunately effects hundreds of millions from two ridiculous leaders. The world is an interesting place.
3. London Jogger - The clown who shoved a woman in front of an oncoming bus should have the same down to him. Seriously, what in the world is wrong with people? I hope they find that clown.
1. Fox News Host - I usually won't ever give this any mention, but giving excuses and attempting to validate these people is EXACTLY the kind of mentality that continues the mess we live in.