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The Pondering 10 - Most Fascinating Things of 2019

The days are dwindling on the calendar that is 2019, and as is tradition, we're closing out the year with the typical signature posts of the year. Before the big post that is the Year in Review with awards, reflections and all of that good stuff, let's dive into the things I've found to be the most fascinating in 2019.

10. Pro Wrestling Industry - Pro Wrestling in 2019 entered a unique chapter in which we haven't experience in a long, long, long time - options. Like real, true options. Gone are the days where the WWE was the only viable and convenient option. Today, the scene is filled with multiple companies with legit TV or distribution avenues that are accessible to fans. 2020 should be interesting as many of these companies continue to grow, with fans now having the ability to find their true comfort.

9. NCAA Pay-for-Play - Obviously, working in college athletics, I have my eye on this closely. For years the NCAA have kept rules to minimize athletes capitalizing on their likenesses, but the pendulum has been swinging the other way for the past few years. This should be interesting to see how the NCAA sets up this new system, and how it effects recruiting talent across the board.

8. Carmelo Anthony - Melo once again entered this realm for me in 2019. Following his release from the Houston Rockets, to enduring a loooooooooong period of teams not wanting anything to do with him, and then suddenly getting a shot with the Trailblazers, and making it work (so far), Melo's enigmatic reputation is once again up for debate.

7 Greta Thunberg - What is there to be said in this space that hasn't been said about the TIME Person of the Year? She is 16, and has already taken it to some of the highest political officials the world has to offer, and not backed down. Not even an inch. Again, she is sixteen!

6. Jemele Hill is Unbothered Podcast - Crossing over from the world of Sports, Hill has now broken into the world of Podcasts with her own podcast, Jemele Hill is Unbothered. The Podcasts serves as a breath of fresh air on many topics, from sports, politics, the inner workings of Hollywood and more, as well as the many guests who have been a part of it thus far - all of it has been extremely interesting and entertaining.

5. 2020 Democratic Candidate Field - How has this field NOT been interesting? It started out with 4,432 candidates interested (I'm kidding, obviously) in gaining the candidacy. Then many dropped out. Now, a few more are jumping aboard as 2020 comes about. The 2020 Dem side has all sorts of problems, and of course, are all sorts of fascinating to see who comes out of it in what should be an over-politicized year. God help us all.

4. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Some like her, others can't stand her. One thing is for sure, AOC is a bad ass woman who has shaken up what we thought of Washington, and isn't afraid to stand up to the status quo. I myself don't agree with everything she says or does, but she is definitely someone who is super fascinating.

3. College Admissions Scandal - As if the access of higher learning wasn't difficult enough for those who have been traditionally marginalized in the college entrance process, 2019 gave us everything that was this college entrance scandal. The details of $500K bribes by the likes of Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman to get their children into USC is just sickening, and really, the height of white privilege in this country.

2. Trump Presidency - For the past three years, it's been back and forth with everything that has been this administration. And now, we have impeachment proceedings set to open up the year. Regardless of where you fall on politics, you can't deny that this administration, and those who are steadfastly against it, has garnered close attention from most.

1. When They See Us - I loved EVERYTHING that was this film produced by Ava DuVernay. The five part series that told the stories of the Exonerated Five, let us in on what they went through, and also opened more discussion on the prison pipeline that exists in this country. An amazing series that deserves all of the accolades it receives. Of course, if you haven't seen it, please do so.

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