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Would You Rather: Questions 111-120

111. Would you rather have the ability to sing or compose a song? 

I'm going to go with composing a song. Singing is cool, but really, I've never had the itch to sing songs other than in my car, in the shower, or while cleaning around my apartment. I love the art of writing, composing, and creating content. I've pretty much always been the guy behind the success (Even in my career), and I'm good at it.

112. Would you rather live a life that can last 1,000 years or live 10 lives lasting 100 years each life?

This is interesting. I think it would be cool to live ten times and try ten different lives, there is something really intriguing about living to 1,000 and carrying the same life along for the ride. For instance, how do I age? Also, can you imagine carrying that type of experience around?

113. Would you rather be rich and famous but living in prison or be poor with freedom?

Give me freedom, or give me death.

114. Would you rather have the ability to change the past or be able to see the future?

The ability to see the future is so lame. I just don't see how life can be enthralling or intriguing if that is available. However, changing the past? That is dope. Can you imagine if I can go back and change some crazy scenarios in life, what the ramifications would be? For instance, what if I went back and didn't allow slavery to happen? What does the United States even look like?

115. Would you rather spend the rest of your life at home with gourmet meals or traveling and eating bread and water? 

Traveling and eating the best bread from all over the world.

116. Would you rather meet your great-great grandkids or go back in time and meet your ancestors?

I know I just blasted predicting the future above, but meeting my grandkids and my great-grandkids, would be really cool. So yeah, maybe looking toward the future isn't all that bad.

117. Would you rather be locked in a library overnight or an amusement park overnight?

I'm so lame, I'm going with the library. A quiet night with so many books, and resources. I really would enjoy that. An empty amusement park is sort-of sketchy.

118. Would you rather be itchy or sticky for a week?

Ugh...give me the sticky. I'll deal with it. Constant itchiness would get annoying really fast.

119. Would you rather own a private island or a private jet?

Can I pick both? I would take my private jet to my private island. Ugh...I wish.

Since a private island is useless if I can't get there, I'll select a private jet. Not having to fly commercial would definitely improve the standard of living. And my legs would support this in never having to deal with minimal leg space again.

120. Would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret? 

Oooooooh, this is good.

As much as they stay with you, regrets always shape you moving forward. Your biggest wishes don't always come through. So...give me my biggest wish, and let's hope it doesn't turn into a regret.

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