2000 posts.
It has surely been a journey for yours truly authoring this entity that is Dome Pondering. Here I am after all of these years still penning thoughts, opinions, experiences, and everything else that enters this dome of mine.
2000 is special. It's longevity. It's commitment. And of course, it's life. For many of those 2000 posts echo and paint the picture of my life throughout the years. With many even expressing contradicting messages, or simply, exposing a young mind in much need of refinement. I'm sure I'll write the same thing at the 3,000 (or 4,000) celebration post - God-willing.
Nonetheless, I continue to find it in me to want to keep expressing sentiments through this thing called Dome Pondering. While it's become much more difficult to do so, as expected as life's responsibilities increase - I still have the desire to do so. And most importantly, enjoy doing so. And in many ways, the need to do so.
With that said, here are a few quick thoughts I've learned as I celebrate 2,000 posts:
- I write with my voice, and for my ears. That may sound weird - probably egotistical - but there have been times I've written with and for the intent of pleasing readers, or "increasing site visits". Maybe it's the elder age speaking that is driven with more comfort in who I am or just less care for what others think, but I find myself reverting back to that style of writing that I had very early on when this thing began. Here is who I am and what I believe - take it or leave it. And ironically, this blog has never been as popular as it is right now.
- I miss writing on fun topics. After completing my second Master's degree which required tons (and tons, and tons!) of research on educational and societal inequality, added with the last four years of this country's political climate, critical matters just were always on my heart. Add in my personal life, and writing on serious issues became heavy therapy and less fun. I miss punching the keys on sports, and especially so, professional wrestling. I definitely miss writing about wrestling.
- I've been writing long enough on this site that I (gulp) want to reckon with some of it. When I go back and read what I believed or thought, it's almost like I wonder if that was a different person. Part of life is evolution. If I can normalize and be an example of that growth and change for others, then so be it. It's okay. I feel like that would be interesting to take on.
- I plan to touch base on fatherhood a bit more going forward. Looking around a everything that is out there - blogs, podcasts, social media, and other avenues - there are typically geared from the mother's lens of experiences. It's tough to find a father's perspective to share, read, relate and learn from. I really want to find my voice to express some of my thoughts on fatherhood.
- Speaking of voice finding, podcasts - I'm still finding my voice in an oral format. I'm just so much better with a keyboard in front of me. I still thank all of you for the support thus far. Hoping to take some of the lessons learned here through The Over Ponder.