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Dear Son, You're a King Now?

 --- 3 Years ---

Dear Son, 

Happy Birthday!!!!!!

On this day in 2021, you are now three years old. The Ace experience continues to endure with long days and short years, but every milestone along this journey brings me great joy, tremendous pride, and an overwhelming sense of growth not just for you, but also, for myself. 

I sit here punching away at the keyboarding thinking about you entering your fourth year of life, and how much has changed in you over the past three years. Yes, you're only three, but there are days in which you wake up and I am just shocked at how much you grew overnight! There are days where your mother and I look at you in amazement and wonder - uhh, is Ace all of a sudden ready for High School? Of course, we expect more of those moments to come (obviously you will change), but regardless, each one of those split-second finite moments where we see a new evolution of you trotting down the stairs, or fearlessly climb a jungle Jim, or suddenly move a heavy ottoman, or blurt out random statements and words - all of it is joy in the purest form. 

Oh, and how can I forget the battle that is potty training?! I graciously thank you for showing mercy on us and now adopting the habit that is indeed using the toilet. You've not only provided us a sense of direction and assurance for our rookie parenting, but you've also given us hope and confidence for the larger hurdles to come. Also, the financial reprieve of not buying diapers is nice. 

But on this 36th month of life for you, I absolutely love your zest for life. You drive your mother insane - you do, you very much do - with your activity, your spryness, and your constant non-stop demeanor. As of this writing, you owe her a few years as is...

However, I absolutely am in LOVE with your zest for life. Your humor, your eagerness, your curiosity - all of it is amazing. While it can be (very) annoying, deep down inside every parent-child confrontation the three of us engage in, I am so proud of your early ability to reason, challenge, question, and learn. 

Nooooo daddeeee, that is NOT how you do it

You are not being a good listener

Don't start without me, or you go to bed

What's THAT?!!

I have to help you fix the house!

Can I drive home? I need to go to car wash

And there is your competitive spirit...

You wanna race? You not faster than me!!

I win - you slow! 

And there is also your awesome humor...

I like my burger on a burger

Hey yo! Keep it comin'

It's getting dark, son!

You not fast! You just tall!

And, you still carry your sense of empathy. 

You not OK. You need to lay down

Andddddddd, of course, there is the recent favorite just yesterday as learned you were turning three years old...

Look! I'm a King Now!

Watching your young keen sense of service that you have is what I love most about you. Fire Trucks. Garbage Trucks. Tow Trucks. Mail Trucks. Police Cars. They all take precedent over everything else. 

Washing your dishes in your kitchen set. Serving and "cooking dinner" for mommy. The imaginary fires, cars stuck in "mud", the mail that needs to be delivered, and various other (random) emergency situations you create that require "Acey's Car Patrol" to save the day. The way you get excited about delivery trucks and the urgency in the moment to take walks to follow them as they make their way down the street - watching in amazement as the delivery person drops off each package. 

Look, look, look! He giving them mail!

I love it. It's you. And at 3 years old, looking back, I had no idea what you would become - nor do I still, but so far, you're farrrrrrrrrrrr more amazing than I could have ever dreamed of or hoped for. 

Daddeeeeeeeeeeeeee is tremendously proud on this third birthday of yours. 

Love, Dad

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