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Dome Pondering Movie Review: Marriage Story (2019)

What is it about? 

Two individuals navigate the complex process of growing apart, breaking a marriage, while attempting to keep a family together. 

Who is in it? 

Adam Driver - Charlie Barber

Scarlett Johansson - Nicole Barber 

Azhy Robertson - Henry Barber

Favorite Scene: 

[spoiler alert]

After the process of divorce had gotten to an ugly place, a place they didn't want to get to, they eventually get to where they needed to be - an open and honest discussion about their feelings in Charlie's LA apartment. 

Favorite Quote: 

"I never really came alive for myself; I was only feeding his aliveness."


On a sick day from work, I decided not to jump into recent trends, but to take a look at what has been on my Netflix list that I just haven't gotten to - Marriage Story was it. Especially after reading so much about it. I was extremely happy that I did - and in many ways, annoyed that I hadn't seen it before. 

Marriage Story is a damn good film that explores so much that happens individually within a marriage, how expectations and needs can be conflicted, and how communication of those very things can leave a big hole in marriage as growth occurs. 

The beauty of Marriage Story is that you can't fault either Nicole or Adam. In many ways, they are perfect for one another, and in other ways, they hold back their individual potential within their lives (as a parent, as a spouse, as a professional, etc...). Both have flaws and strengths throughout the film that is unlike other films where divorces or separation are clear and concise with someone to fault for the issue. Marriage Story gets into the deep when it comes to this topic, which is refreshing and engaging. 

There is also the complexities of raising a child, and the different parenting styles (attributed to upbringing) that can be opposing characteristics. Another lvery-little-talked-about topic in and about marriages. 

Of course, both Driver and Johanson are phenomenal, including some lengthy scenes that are downright riveting. I'm sure once you watch (or have watched), you will (or already) know the scenes I am referring to. 

All in all, this was awesome. Highly recommended for its honor of human feel and emotion, and for the depth of the characters in a genuine way. And yes, there are some quirky comedic moments and lines as well. 

Grade: 5/5

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