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A Global Warning From Mother Nature

Mother Nature has done some serious damage in the last couple of months.
And She is letting us know about it.

Damage that includes thousands of deaths, the destruction of nations, odd weather patterns, the tilting of the earth’s axis, and the fear of what is to come in the future. After yesterday’s 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, the current happenings has one wondering pondering, what exactly is going on on this planet?
After the destruction of Haiti, we all felt for the people in Port-au-Prince as the scenes and images of rubble and people in need still emanate in most of our minds. The large quake caused a flurry of scientists and experts to reexamine the earth’s core and shifting plates to gauge any patterns for after-shocks, or repeated high-level quakes. As reported, the discoveries reaffirmed patters they found two years earlier that a certain region of the earth from the Caribbean spanning into the Pacific ocean were susceptible to upcoming earthquakes. In fact, California was predicted to be due for a large magnitude-type of earthquake similar to Haiti in the next 30 years. 

Shortly thereafter, the nation of Chile endured the devastation of an 8.8 magnitude earthquake. And although the nation was much more prepared and able to handle the effects of the quake than Haiti, hundreds were pronounced dead. Much like the Haitian quake, scientist followed up on the disaster to find that the Chilean quake tilted the earth on its access, thus shortening the length of our days.

However, experts are confirming that the earthquakes are all coincidental. In fact as I learned through some research, earthquakes happen quite frequently – some that aren’t even felt or noticed. Geophysicist Don Blakeman at the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center stated to the New York Daily News, “These quakes are not connected.”

Yet, Japan, one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries are seeing alarming high tides due to the shifting caused from Chile’s quake. An Hawaii is experiencing Tsunami-like waves coming ashore.
And if that weren’t enough, Al Gore has new information and warnings regarding global warming (of course). While, I have seen An Inconvenient Truth and have read statements made by various scientists, I still find myself on the proverbial fence regarding the topic. There is logical belief that the earth is being destroyed everyday (it eventually will be one way or another), yet, there always seems to be that little bit of “too far-fetched” feeling toward some of the reasons.

However, Al Gore’s reasoning for the recent amount of snowfall is logical and clear. In a year where snow records kept for many years have suddenly been smashed similar to baseball’s steroid era, many eyebrow’s were raised. Since when does Texas and Arizona receive snowfall and sub forty degree weather? Also, how do we explain 49 states all receiving snow  this year?

In a statement made to the New York Times, Al Gore said:
“The heavy snowfalls this month have been used as fodder for ridicule by those who argue that global warming is a myth.
Yet scientists have long pointed out that warmer global temperatures have been increasing the rate of evaporation from the oceans. And that puts significantly more moisture into the atmosphere - thus causing heavier downfalls of both rain and snow
Even though it feels like we've been freezing, too, January was the second-warmest - globally - in the 130 years since records have been kept, records show.”
Few words, but very real points. 

Whether it be by coincidence, happenstance, or the world is coming to an end as we know it, something is definitely going on and Mother Nature is letting us know about it.

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