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365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #114-129

114. How do you define success?

I define success as being content with the person you are, your contribution to society, and your overall life. In no way does money, material things, status, and reputation define success. In some way, success and peace is relative.

115. If someone could tell you the exact day and time you are going to die, would you want them to tell you?

I have a feeling the general consensus would be no from most people. However, part of me would indeed like to know. If I knew, I would cut through the fodder that we participate and endure in life, and truly live with the ones I love before my expiration date. Once again, we should live every day like our last, but sadly, we take it for granted.

116. If I could grant you one wish what would you wish for?

I would wish that our society and human relations became more selfless and understanding.

117. What have you read online recently that inspired you?

Well considering the majority of what I read online are either news articles, sports news, pro wrestling news, blogs, and various music/entertainment tidbits, inspiration is very far and few in between. Much of my online browsing is attempting to keep up with the ongoing pace of the world we live in. However, thinking of this question, the immediate response is that of Orayne Williams, a homeless teenager that worked and studied his way into a college scholarship. And yes, I guess it has been two years since the internet has truly inspired me.

118. Why do religions that advocate unity divide the human race?

Because its biblical that we are all divided on beliefs. I know that's a confusing answer to this question, but it is the honest and truthful answer.

119. If you could live one day of your life over again, what day would you choose?

My wedding day. Even with all of the impromptu occurences and last minute decisions that were done, not to mention my pants being annoyingly long, it was a phenomenal day. A day where most of my life, from different time periods and places came together to celebrate. Great memories. Great family. Great friends. Great food. And the Yankees beat the Red Sox. What else can you ask for?
120. What can money not buy?

Love. Heart. Will. Humility. Kindness. Generosity. Honesty. Self-Control.

As I get older, day-by-day, I learn the power of these characteristics above, and how we falsely place so much emphasis on money.

121. If you left this life tomorrow, how would you be remembered?

A God-fearing man that gave his life to help others become better persons. And hopefully, a guy that was a hint of true awesomeness!

122. Beyond the titles that others have given you, who are you?

A simple guy that is chasing, evaluating, and enjoying the wonders and nuances of life.

123. If you could live the next 24 hours and then erase it and start over just once, what would you do?

When I read this questions, it honestly implies doing something completely out of character, unproductive, crazy or dare I say, illegal. If not, why would we want to erase the day?

I don't believe I'd ever want to live a day, then completely start over, including my worst of days. However, I will stay true to giving an answer to these questions. I'll go the unproductive route and spend the day eating tacos and playing video games all day. That's a day I'd enjoy, but after doing it, would probably want to have it back to use it more efficiently and productively.

124. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

Yes. Through faith, and sometimes, by intuition. There are times we just know. It sounds ignorant, but it happens.

125. What word best describes the way you’ve spent the last month of your life?

Searching. Looking for that next step in my life, spiritually, physically, professionally, and personally.

126. What makes everyone smile? 

Cute kids, and sad to say, fat people doing silly things. Not sure why, but the latter always seems to invoke a smile or laughter. Go ahead, think of a fat person falling off of a skateboard or tripping over a curb. I'm sure you can't help it.

127. What do you owe yourself? 

Awesome question. I owe myself the dignity to constantly and consistently believe in myself to an expectation where I am not short changing myself in decisions, effort, or reward.

128. What would your ‘priceless’ Mastercard-style commercial be?

Well, I could go with a travel around the world-type of commercial, but I believe this commercial will bring the brightest smile to my face: 

Cablevision Bill - $110 per month
Tickets - Over $200 lifetime
Combined salary of wasted talent over 12 years of futility - $250M
Combined salary of coaches of thus wasted and overrated talent - $80M
Renovation of Madison Square Garden - $1.1 Billion
Cost of aspirin used over owner James Dolan's poor decisions - $100
Suffering through five years of Isiah Thomas - Ugh! Immeasurable
Finally witnessing the New York Knicks win the NBA Finals - PRICELESS!!

129. Can you think of a time when impossible became possible?

Well, to be honest, I believe nothing is impossible. That's more than just a silly and often used inspirational quote, but I truly believe in miracles and God's working. With that said, this is a tough question to answer. However, I will say that when I stepped onto a mound for the first time college after doctors stated such an act would be slim to none, is a time that I would never forget. 

I struck out a kid that destroyed us all game with an arsenal, at that point in my pitching progression, which was a pretty pathetic approach. Fastball. Fastball. Fastball. and hmm, another fastball. Nonetheless, I got him swinging at a heater in the dirt, and remember walking off and looking to the sky. At that moment, I knew a recent impossibility (College Baseball: A Time Remembered Forever), was now no more.

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