98. What is the most important thing you could do right now in your
personal life?
The most important thing I could do is continue to improve and not settle for mediocrity and complacency. Continuing to find that personal drive to take steps forward spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally is very important overall.
99. If you could ask one person, alive or dead, only one question, who
would you ask and what would you ask?
My one question would be to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and I would cheat by asking him a two part question. Has your dream been realized? And if not, how can we continue to get there?
100. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make
you rich?
Any type of work that involves serving the general public and enhancing their life through physical activity and/or athletic participation. Hmmm...sounds like a resume objective headline.
101. What is your number one goal for the next six months?
My number one goal for the next six months is to truly find the next step God has for me in my life. After an interesting last couple of years of making drastic changes that came quite rapidly and smoothly (graduate school, employment, engagement, and marriage) I am finally in a place where the next stage is not so clear.
102. Would you ever give up your life to save someone else?
Without a doubt. There are several people I wouldn't mind giving my life for. I'm not scared of death. And if you live life the correct way, you shouldn't be either.
103. Are you happy with yourself?
Absolutely. More happy with myself at this point in my life than I have ever been. I've learn to accept the things I can't change, embrace the subtleties of who I am, and am comfortable with myself, my family, and my past.
104. What is the meaning of ‘peace’ to you?
Living life with out worry, stress, harm, envy, jealousy, anger, bitterness, harm, or insecurity. A complete and indescribable serene feeling of being at ease.
105. What are three moral rules you will never break?
Well, there are very few morals that we don't break. Very few. After all, we all lie, we all cheat, we envy here and there, and at times, we all wish negativity on one another. The ones we don't cross are the ones that usually define us as individuals.
Here are my three:
1. Never be ashamed or denounce my God.
2. Never try or do drugs. Drug free is the way to be! I know, very corny. But I could never ever find myself doing such.
3. Never lie to this little blog I have here called Dome Pondering.
106. What does it mean to allow another person to truly love you?
It means trusting the other person enough with all of your insecurities, rough edges, and improvements to not hurt you, but rather accept you unconditionally.
107. Who or what do you think of when you think of love?
Jesus. My wife. My parents. Can't think of anyone else that has put up with all of the things that I do and still can love me the way they do.
108. If your life was a novel, what would be the title and how would your
story end?
Being Perfect: A life of Insecurity, Integrity, and Incompletes
Or maybe just, Dome Pondering, The Book. Ha! One day...one day...
My book would end with short writings and testimonies from everyone I have come across in my life. Hopefully, I'd have enough of an impact on their lives that their words can book end my story. Such an ending would be a million times better than any ending I can come up with for myself.
109. What would you not give up for $1,000,000 in cash?
Myself. Losing who I am for a fortune here on earth? Not worth it.
Come on, even the atheist of all atheists has heard, what would it profit a man if he gained the whole word, but lost his own soul?
110. When do you feel most like yourself?
Easy answer. When I'm punching the keys contributing to this little blog.
111. When you help someone do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
I'd be lying if I ever said I haven't. It's human nature. However, 99%, okay, maybe 85% of the time I'm genuinely helping the other person. In truth, it is the greatest feeling of self accomplishment an individual can have when a self-less act is performed.
112. What is your greatest challenge?
Talking about myself, accepting compliments, and being the center of attention. I am not shy or afraid of public speaking, but I've never quite had that itch or bone in my body that needs the focus of everyone.
In fact, people who indulge in themselves way too much are high on my list of people that I find truly annoying.
113. How do you know when it’s time to continue holding on or time to let
For me, there is a certain gut feeling, a specific type of intuition that we all have that just tells us the time is right. Whether it be divine intervention or simply an act of giving up on the situation, there is always that point where we just know it is time to tap out.