191. If you had to name one advantage daughters have over sons, what would you say it is?
Easy. Emotion and sympathy. No one feels bad for a son struggling or going through a rough time. However, all a daughter has to do is tear up a bit, and the world is theirs.
192. If you were to confess to how many people you have honestly been in love with, what would you say?
1 person. My wife.
However, I'd place my Playstation 2 there to. Lots of hours of my life has been logged on it, especially for MVP Baseball 2005.
193. If you had to give the same gift to everyone you know next Christmas, what would it be?
Tough one. I hate doing the whole Christmas gift giving thing, because I'm a simple guy who doesn't need much, and I absolutely hate shopping. So I'll go with the gift of a good book. Maybe one of my favorites such as Friday Night Lights, Black Boy, or the Autobiography of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
194. If you could stop overusing one word in your vocabulary, which word would it be?
The word "garbage" to describe a situation, result, or occurrence I do not agree with. I've done this since middle school. In fact, several classmates referenced it in my yearbook. I should stop, but I just can't. This habit is such garbage.
195. If you had to name the one personality trait that you have tried the hardest to change in yourself, what would you say?
I'm too laid back. There are times I need to be more aggressive. I recently finished the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's autobiography, and one thing he stated is that "there comes a time when you understand that you will have to stand up for yourself, because no one else can." Sometimes I need to be aggressive and take charge according to my own convictions.
196. If you could go back for one minute to the Garden of Eden and give Adam some advice, what would you say?
"Be a man. Stand up and say no to Eve. The perfection of humanity rides on it!"
Just imagine what joy the earth would be if not for that. Ugh...
196. If you could have said one thing to Harry Truman the day before he decided to drop the atomic bomb, what would you have said?
"I hope you are able to sleep at night after this."
197. If you had the opportunity to change one thing about the life of your mother and father, what would it be?
That they would have been able to go to college. Because of the circumstances of migration, taking care of younger siblings, and slight poverty, my parents weren't able to go to college and further their education. Nonetheless, they've done pretty awesome for themselves.
198. If you had to describe the silliest thing people do in general, what would you say?
A person who calls someone else using a cell phone, asks them where they are, and then replies by telling them where they are to conclude the opener to a pointless call. It goes as such:
Person A: Hey! It's me, person B! Where are you?
Person B: Here, chillin, watching the game. What are you up to?
Person A: Just got on the bus and heading home.
Person B: Ahhhh
At this point, Person A will attempt to fine something to keep the conversation going and from making it obvious that this call was utterly pointless.
What did we do before cell phones?
199. If you could guarantee one thing about your next trip, what would it be?
There is a beach. What's a vacation without a beach?