What is it about?
The United States government must find a way to rescue six Americans in Iran hiding at a Canadian embassy safe house during the height of political conflict between the US and Iran.
Who is in it?
Ben Affleck - Tony Mendez
Bryon Cranston - Jack O'Donnell
Alan Arkin - Lester Seigel
John Goodman - John Chambers
Favorite Scene:
The Opening scene where herds and herds of Iranians made their way into the United States Embassy and began taking hostages.
Favorite Quote:
Lester Siegel: Okay, you got 6 people hiding out in a town of what, 4 million people, all of whom chant "death to America" all the livelong day. You want to set up a movie in a week. You want to lie to Hollywood, a town where everybody lies for a living. Then you're gonna sneak 007 over here into a country that wants CIA blood on their breakfast cereal, and you're gonna walk the Brady Bunch out of the most watched city in the world.
Tony Mendez: Past about a hundred militia at the airport. That's right.
Lester Siegel: Right. Look, I gotta tell you. We did suicide missions in the army that had better odds than this.
John Chambers: [after hearing of the plan to get the hostages out] So you want to come to Hollywood, act like a big shot...
Tony Mendez: Yeah.
John Chambers: ...without actually doing anything?
Tony Mendez: Yeah.
John Chambers: [smiles] You'll fit right in!
Its not hard to see why Argo received the accolades it did during Awards season. The film takes a very, very interesting plot dynamic of a true story that has never been revealed, and turns it into a film that is downright suspenseful, intriguing, and interesting. Argo is a good blend of it all, while incorporating politics and some humor as well.
While some may disagree, Affleck did a very nice job of also keeping the film from turning into a United States propaganda piece. While it may rub some Iranians the wrong way, this viewer depicted the United States government as the antagonist who simply were trying to clean up their mess, or protect their reputation as the hostage situation played out in front of the world. The piece in the beginning did a nice job of that. Political motives are always difficult to keep unbiased, and the twist of Iranians feeling justified, and Americans simply attempting to removing their own, made for a great plot.
As for the talent pool, Argo, really brought a handful of solid actors. At one point, you contually find yourself going "ahhh" when another character debuted. Tremendous stuff all around. And I must say, after a run of blah movies of stuff I didn't care for (see: Gigli and Daredevil), Affleck has slowly become one of my favorites.
All in all, Argo is a great movie. Well worth the time to see this one out. And definitely a film in which two hours will fly by.
Review: 4/5