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Remembering the 2012-2013 NBA Season

What a year the NBA had. It was thrilling, compelling, record-setting, and downright gripping. And for the first time in many, many years, even my Knicks didn't drive me up a wall! Sure, the playoffs gave me agita as expected, but looking back on it all, I would say I was very satisfied with the season of my boys in orange and blue. 

As for the eventual champs, what can I say that wasn't explained in my post following the Miami Heat's win (Another Heat Title Leaving Jordan-like Impressions)? I respect them. But I still loathe them. Just being honest. But once again, how can you not tip your cap to a twenty-seven game winning streak, that tremendously hard fought series with the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Finals, and of crouse, being one rebound away from losing in six in the NBA Finals? Resiliency at its best. 

As for LeBron, the guy continues to get better, and better, and better. And quite frankly, it scares me.

Nonetheless, here are some other tidbits I came away with from this year's 2012-2013 NBA Season:  

  • Never have I ever seen a coach fired in five games. But that's what happened to Mike Brown after leading the Lakers for two weeks. And of course, our old friend from here in New York, Mike D'Antoni gets the nod. Good luck LA!
  • Jeff Green became quite the player for the Boston Celtics. I know they are tearing it down up there (Ain't it sweet to see the Lakers and Celtics be mediocre?), but they have a heckuva player in Green moving forward. 
  • The debut of the Brooklyn Nets. Good grief, I've never seen a franchise full of more fraudulent fans to start a year...other than Miami of course. The Barclays is such a great facility though. 
  • How about them Knicks? Everyone pegged us to struggle, and getting off to an 18-5 start surely rocked the NBA world. 
  • ...Especially that win over Miami...IN Miami...WITHOUT Carmelo Anthony. 
  • Whoever gave the green light to those Christmas jerseys should have their head examined. While I prefer the hideous orange jerseys over the stupid green Knicks jerseys (I really hate those), the orange for the Knicks needed to be toned down. 
  • And speaking of Knicks/Nets, how awesome were each and everyone one of those four games they played. There is something special brewing here in this city, and I love it. 
  • Watching the trio of Dwight Howard, Steve Nash, and Kobe Bryant struggle was very satisfying. Not because I enjoy the Lakers losing (which I do), but because it shed light on the fact that some of "analysts" rarely ever examine the big picture. All they saw were three big names, and assumed the team would be great. 
  • Speaking of great, how insane was watching LeBron's run of 30 point games all while shooting 60% from the field. I couldn't even replicate that in NBA 2K13! 
  • As for moments of great, watching Steph Curry have his Garden Game was fun (Having that Garden Game). I hate admitting that because usually Garden Games come at the expense of my Knicks, but what Curry did in hanging 54 on my boys was so much fun to watch.
  • Amar'e Stoudemire returned. Show glimpses of great play by utilizing what he learned in Olajuwon Summer Post-Play Summer Camp (My unofficial name for what Olajuwon does - give me a call Dream, we can get that patented), only to eventually do what he does best as of late, rehab from another injury. Such a shame. Stoudemire is such a good guy. 
  • Brandon Knighted - Unfortunately, Kyrie Irving's shake was the beginning of what was later to come in terms of world -wide embarrassment. 
  • Ohhhhh-Emmmmm-Jeeeee - Oh Brandon Knight, It was a rough season for you. At least you are popular now. And Deandre Jordan, dude, that was sick. 
  • And if that wasn't bad enough, Jason Terry wanted to out-Brandon Knight, well...Brandon Knight by giving LeBron James the chance to put him forever in highlight videos. 
  • Miami Heat won, not one, not two, not three, not four, not five...but twenty seven games in a row. 27! 
  • Until of course, the Bulls put an end to it all. Coach Thibeddaeu gets the best out of his players. You have to respect coaches like that. 
  • Speaking of the Bulls, how much fun was it watching them in playoffs. No Superstar. Sheer guts and heart. And Jimmy Butler, great player. I like that kid.
  • Wish the Knicks had a player like him...or like Kwahi Leanord. You know, someone hard working, humbled, and not going to complain after the whistle is blown. 
  • Because that is all the Knicks seemed to do this year. Of course, when they weren't shooting massive amounts of three-pointers. Shooting threes, and yelling at referees, the 2012-2013 New York Knicks everyone! 
  • Watching Paul George in the Eastern Conference Finals was amazing. Superstar budding right before your eyes on the big stage. How can you not root for Paul George? 
  • And of course, the NBA Finals...Tony Parker's insane Game 1 shot. Danny Green all of a sudden shooting like he has a 99 rating for three point shots (another video game reference, I'm full of them in this post is seems), Gary Neal's game three, and watching Tim Duncan get one last run at it. 
  • Of course, there was also that epic Game six. One free throw or one rebound away from a Championship. That has to haunt the Spurs until death. Of course, Ray Allen traveled in taking two steps backwards to hit that three...but you know, whatever. 
  • All in all, LeBron iced the series, and now has back-to-back championships. The Heat went mere seconds away from hearing about how the "big three" was a failure, to now hearing that rare word, "dynasty" come up in discussion regarding them.
Funny how the narrative can change in a few seconds, huh? 

Such a great season. Cannot wait until November. 

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