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The IF Factor: Questions Answered #211-220

211. If you could be the master chef in any restaurant in the world, where would you choose to cook?

I would probably be the chef at the White House. I couldn't think of a more dignified position to be a chef  than to prepare meals for the President of the United States. 

212. If you could ensure that your child has one experience that you have had yourself, what would you want it to be?

It would be to grow up in a diverse, multi-cultural, and passionate atmosphere such as New York City. Being able to relate and understand other cultures and other people is something I would want my child to be able to do and experience at a young age.

213. If you could have a free telephone line to any one person in the world, who would it be?

I hate double-ing up on the answers to these questions, but having an open line to President Obama would be pretty nice. "Hey Prez, what are we looking to get done here? Give me the goods in a few words." 

214. If you were stranded on a desert island and could have only one piece of music to listen to, what would it be?

I would probably go with something similar to a jam band. Something like O.A.R. as mostly everything else either comes with moods or certain quirks (I find it tough to listen to rap at night. Weird, I know...). 

215. If you could be any sports figure now alive, who would you want to be?

LeBron James. After all, who wouldn't want to be him right about now? The guy is on top of the world and dominates his sport. I'd love to play basketball and experience how it feels to be that physically superior than anyone else on the court. 

216. If you were to give one person you know an award for something, who would it be, and for what?

I would give my wife the award of Coupon Queen for always managing to maximize a discount on a purchase. I don't think I've ever met someone - anyone - saves as much as she does. Glad shes on my team. 

217. If you could become rich doing one thing that you currently don't do, what would you want it to be?

After thinking for awhile, this is really a tough question. Something I DON'T already do...hmmmm,

How about becoming rich for playing golf? I've never played golf. I find it utterly boring on television, and is one of the very few sports I absolutely cannot get into. But it is a lucrative sport, and quite frankly, it's easier on the body that the others are. 

218. If you were a machine, what machine would you be?

I'd be a traffic light. Weird, I know. But I'd be in a position of leadership. I'll be respected, despite a few reckless drivers. And I'll be around for awhile as traffic lights don't get outdated by new technology. 

219. If you could erase any one murder from history, which would it be?

The assassination of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King (DP Page of Famer!). One could only wonder what else Dr. King would have had in mind. 

220. If you had to change citizenship, which country would you want to become a citizen of?

England, Canada, or Bermuda. Most likely, England. 

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