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Dome Pondering Movie Review: Ruby Sparks (2012)

What is it about? 

A boy-wonder novelist struggling with writer's block manages to will a character in his latest novel to real life, and ends up beginning an unusual romance. 

Who is in it? 

Paul Dano - Calvin Weir-Fields

Zoe Kazan - Ruby Spars

Chris Messina - Harry

Favorite Scene: 

[spoiler alert]

After returning from the work party, Calvin and Ruby get into a huge fight which ultimately leads to Calvin breaking the news that he can control Ruby. The scene leads to Calvin understanding the situation, as well as the nuances and dynamics of relationships, love, and the role self-understanding and awareness, plays in it all. 

Favorite Quote: 

"I couldn't see you when you were here and now that you're gone, I see you everywhere."


Ruby Sparks is a really thought-provoking and deeply relating film for any individual. What started out as a slow, confusing, wondering film, quickly progressed into a really, really good story. 

What I take away from Ruby Sparks is the life lesson regarding what we look for in love, how we sometimes approach it, and the vast ridiculousness of our expectations from others in our relationships. The film ultimately unveils this through the character of Calvin who eventually finds out he can control Ruby through continuing the novel he is writing. He eventully finds that no matter what he types to get Ruby to be his "perfect" dream girl, he isn't overly satisfied. 

It's a great reminder of how often we spend searching for someone that meets the "needs" of our criteria and how much we focus on attempting to "understand" the other person, we miss out on the positive qualities and overall magic of love and connection. And I'm guessing that is what Zoe Kazan, writer of Ruby Sparks, was going for. 

Speaking of Kazan, she was quite marvelous in the film. 

Ruby Sparks is an interesting movie. Nothing will overly blow you away from the film, but the strong message is good enough to recommend watching this one. 

Grade: 3/5

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