It's been awhile since I've been able to do this. It seems sometimes I get so caught up in work, home life, blogging for fun to balance work and home life, that the "punching the keys" method get lost.
As I sit here, it all just feels like 2014 is whizzing by, and doing so very fast! After all, April is about to end. And with a life that now mirrors a college calendar - living via semesters - that means commencement is right around the corner. Which ultimately means there is a period of a work-break coming up soon. A break I'm very much looking forward to.
Especially, after a semester in which I've poured plenty of time and effort in programs, events, and most importantly, mentoring and leading students. It's really been a mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausting semester (there it is again) for yours truly.
Yet, along the way, it takes a weekend like Easter Sunday to truly slow things down. To refocus priorities. To put the spinning orbit that is my life, with all of it's structured axons and various random floating parts that often seems chaotic, rushed, and even never ending, into perspective. On Easter Sunday, all of it is reduced to one clear and simple sentence.
"He is risen".
I don't mean to sound cheesy, but I just love Easter Sunday. I could sit here and gripe about the things that bother me such as the "Easter bunny" and the societal casual expectation of attending Sunday church service (though I'm thrilled some will come to faith today), but those slight annoyances still can't take my joy away.
Again, I love Easter Sunday.
It's a great day to recall the greatest event in history. The. Greatest. And to continue to understand the grace and mercy bestowed upon us everyday as we screw up. And we screw up a lot. I know I do.
It's a day to proclaim the best message there is on earth. A message, in which Christians around the world take heat for all year, yet can still proudly proclaim and celebrate that he is indeed risen without oppositions providing proof of the event been false. Easter essentially puts into focus a virtue and cornerstone of our faith, an action yet to be proven otherwise.
For me, there is a certain presence of the Holy Spirit on Easter that just fills the hearts of all. It can't be described. It's more than just your typical Sunday which sometimes can become to "churchy" for most.
And on a day like today, where I've finally managed to have a weekend off (hooray two consecutive days!), the work that has yet to be done, the pressure that remains in the chamber to lead, the minuscule house hold chores visible in your living space, or even the everyday responsibilities that we face, all of it - ALL OF IT - just fades away. After all, in comparison to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, and the hope and truth it's brought to a world that can seem cruel, evil, confusing, and overwhelming, how can those things not fall to the background?
Regardless, I'm so happy for Easter Sunday. I needed a refresher. I needed to refocus. I needed to put things in perspective. To be honest, I needed Jesus. How about that coming from a Christian?
I guess that's the true beauty of Easter. The message, renewal and celebration never, ever gets old.