451. If you could plan the perfect evening out, what would it involve?
It really doesn't take much for me. I'm a rather simple guy. The perfect evening would be watching a good game (Yankees, Knicks, or Red Bulls) with my wife, a solid dinner, and somehow being able to enjoy it all on a beach. Maybe doing all of it on a beach...in the Caribbean...yup, that's it. That's perfect.
452. If you could program the perfect evening of television shows, which ones would you select, and in what order?
I'm guessing television shows which would exclude sports? And for the sake of being me, I won't choose any pro wrestling as well.
The Wonder Years. Everybody Loves Raymond. Friday Night Lights. The Cosby Show. And Suits.
That's a lot of television for me. That would easily be a week for me. Yes, I know, I don't watch much television.
453. If you had to name the dumbest purchase you've ever made, which would it be?
Other than a few video games during my childhood that I hoped would be good, the only thing that comes to mind is a Pittsburgh Pirates I once bought on-line at Marshalls. It was $6. I wore it once, because well, I'm not a Pirates fan.
Come to think of it, I also bought one of those red "memorial day" Yankee hats on the line of Marshalls as well - also $6. Stupid Marshalls.
454. If you could receive all the products from a single company for free (but could not resell them), which company would you choose?
Nike. Can't really go wrong there.
455. If you had to describe the perfect body, what would you say about it?
Athletic and lean. I've never been one for guys who are so jacked up they look like balloons or comic book characters come to life.
456. If you could have the autograph of one person from history, who would it be?
Mariano Rivera. I know, I'm sure there is someone else that would be worth more, but Mo's is one I know I would really appreciate. Like frame and place on the wall, appreciate.
457. If you could have any view from your home, what would it be?
Beach. Ocean. Sand, Sunsets and Sunrises.
458. If you could have asked Richard Nixon one thing, what would you have asked?
If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently in regards to Watergate?
459. If you could have the world's largest collection of one thing, what would it be?
I'm not really one for gathering or "collecting" many things. As stated earlier, I'm a simple guy. But I guess I would go with baseball cards. Anything else probably would be a nuisance in my apartment.
460. If you could have been the hero from any war, which war would it be, and for what heroic deed?
World War II. Capturing Adolph Hitler.