3 Up
1. Memorial Day Weekend - It's the unofficial start of the summer season, but let's not get fooled with beach visits, barbecues, and road trips. This weekend is about remember those who gave their lives so we can enjoy such things. Be sure to keep that in mind tomorrow.
2. Michael B. Jordan's Response - It seems in the information age, we've become some critical in everything for no apparent reason. You just have to love Jordan's response to critics who claimed a black man shouldn't be cast in an upcoming Fantastic Four film.
3. LeBron James - Tonight's game jus exemplifies the greatness of LeBron James. The dude is just sick - 37 Points. 18 Rebounds. 13 Assists..
3 Down
1. Cleveland - Another unjustified shooting involving black victims and police officers. Of all the recent incidents, this one is more disheartening than them all. 137 shots toward two unarmed black men in a car. When will this stop?
2. Racist Letter - Just when you thought race relations couldn't get any worse in our country, we get this story out of Long Island. Isn't this 2015? Jees.
3. Tom Brady Protests - Honestly, these folks need to go do something productive with their lives. Really. Like, seriously.