3 Up
1. Donovan Livingston - Just awesome. That describes why Livingston is receiving the top spot this week. If you haven't heard or watched his epic speech as of yet, be sure to do so.
2. Alix Schoelcher Idrache - A tremendous photo was captured of Idrache as he shed tears during an emotional graduation from West Point. The background and story of the moment is truly touching, and will make you appreciate the upcoming Memorial Day Holiday.
3. LeBron James - The naysayers can hate all they want, but six straight NBA Finals (with two teams!) and being durable during the run is nothing short of phenomenal.
3 Down
1. 700 Migrants Dead - This story broke my heart to hear of the many who are fleeing Libya towards Italy and not making it. They are risking their lives for a better one, and the report is that 700 migrants this week have drowned attempting to cross the rough waters of the Mediterranean.
2. NFL Denial - So the report came out this week that the NFL tried to sway a government study regarding head injuries and pretty much tries to do the same for all other cases, if not, simply strong arming them (possibly rejecting their business) into not publishing the material. Honestly, I've become less and less supportive of The Shield, and really find myself questioning if I can ethically support this league.
3. Portland, Oregon Superintendent Apology - So this Superintendent knowingly allowed students to drink lead-tainted water for a week. A week?! Sorry, sir. Save your apology on this one. That's just disgusting.