3 Up
1. Pay it Forward - I'm a sucker for stories on human decency and people doing nice things for one another. Imagine what the world was like if this were expected? Here is a video that has gone viral of a mom helping her daughter's day care teacher after realizing she walked to and from work everyday. Yup, the community helped raise money to buy her a care.
2. Confederate Memorial Removed - We're slowly learning as a nation that these "memorials" really are nothing but pieces which honor slavery and our troubled past with race. Kudos to the University of Louisville for taking strides towards what is right.
3. Enzo Amore OK - Some wrestling fans do nothing but complain, complain, complain! They often lose sight of the risks and sacrifices these men and women make to simply entertain us fans. Tonight, we were reminded by that for a brief moment when Enzo Amore suffered a scary accident during a match which had to be stopped. Luckily, Enzo will be fine. For wrestling fans, quit being so critical on pointless things, and just appreciate the effort involved.
3 Down
1. Dee Gordon - Just when you think PEDs are behind us, stories like Gordon getting caught pop up, and redefine everything from what possible users "look like" to proper discipline, to more effective ways to curtail cheating.
2. Beyonce "Marketing" - Look, I'm not sure what to take away from the drama surrounding Beyonce's latest album. If she's being real, then that's great for her. I pretty much will lose all (remaining) respect for Jay-Z. However, from all angles, this all seems like a marketing ploy to sell albums, and if it is, I think that's extremely tacky.
3. Yankees Offense - Worst. Offense. In. Baseball. Period. #facts
1 What?
1. Starbucks Lawsuit - Why does our justice system waste tax dollars on such idiotic lawsuits like this one? Why?! Why?! WHY?!