3 Up
1. Love What Matters Post - This Facebook Post that went viral is absolutely fantastic. I hope it spreads more and somehow - anyway possible - makes it's way into our media. It won't, though, because it doesn't stir the cops vs. minorities narrative. Regardless, it's nice to see good cops speak out on these issues and of course, acknowledge that there are bad cops out there.
2. Paralyzed Woman Hikes Appalachian Trail - Definitely take a look at this article and this story. Inspiring for sure.
3. "Broken" Matt Hardy - In times like this is why I love Pro Wrestling. When the world is dealing nothing but horrific news, Matt Hardy and this ridiculous character he now portrays kept my spirits high. After all, all nonsense must be DE-LEEEETED!
3 Down
1. Nice, France Attacks - These terrorist attacks continue, and this latest one, is even more disgusting and inhumane than the typical gunfire and bombings. Running down innocent people with a truck? The evil mind has no boundaries.
2. Baton Rouge Shootings - Killing cops is not the issue. Unfortunately, the recent set of events are triggering those with unstable minds to take their anger out into situations that do nothing but tear our country further apart. This needs to stop.
3. Thousands Migrate to Colombia - In more depressing news, thousands of Venezualans are migrating to the border to gain entry into Colombia for food, medical supplies, and daily necessities. The state of Venezuela is dire, and adds to the controversial governmental decisions seen around the globe right now.
1 Moron
Dani Mathers - This lady is ridiculous. Attempting to embarrass a woman at the gym is the lowest of lows. Especially, when you creep and do it with the intent of getting a few laughs over social media? Moron. That poor lady should press charges - bullying in it's purest form.
And by the way, props to that woman for working out to improve herself instead of, you know, looking down on others.