3 Up
1. Diamond Reynolds - The girlfriend of Philando Castile, Reynolds who showed the craziest amount of poise, honor, and integrity of anyone I can ever think of. We all wish we could have half the guts that woman has shown this week.
2. Carmelo Anthony - While some celebrities and athletes did their pointless parts on social media, I gained major respect for Carmelo Anthony who called out athletes to begin taking a stance on social injustice.
3. John Cena - With the United States crumbling around social issues, John Cena continued doing the right thing as he made a young cancer survivor's night by inviting him into the ring this Monday on Raw.
3 Down
1. Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile - Do I even need to go in depth on this? Just unbelievable and saddening. So, so, sad...and infuriating.
1. Dallas Shootings - Tied for number one on the "down" this week is of course the Dallas Police shootings. This entire week just sucked. My heart goes out to the loved ones of those five officers who lost their lives.
3. Opposers of BLM Movement - I don't quite understand how anyone can look at the Black Lives Matter movement and consider it anything but necessary. Those attempting to change the narrative to #AllLivesMatter and anything else is gravely missing the issue at hand. Either that, or are just suffering from a large sense of privilege. Yup, you got it from me. That's my stance. Always has been.