201 Days to go.
Often, I find myself clicking the “random pondering” link here at the DP and reading a post from the past. Doing so always makes for an interesting read as I am able to see what type of mindset, feeling, or thought process I had during that time. Whether it be a personal post, a poem, or thoughts on sports, wrestling, or the current times, the DP is also collection of different checkpoints in this race we called life.
One of my favorite posts to look back on are the California Chronicles written in late 2009. The series is always an interesting read to look back on, because of where, when, and how it was written, and the way the experience helped in changing me.
With that said, as the days continue until, in the words of the legendary Ric Flair, “walk that aisle, style, and profile” (Ok maybe not to that extent), I wanted to place these thoughts in a series where I could not just express my feelings, but also share them with you, my audience, and hopefully, one day look back upon them as I do the Chronicles.
As I begin this series, 201 days away from the big day, I find myself utterly amazed. As the days fly by, and more and more tasks become completed, 9.24.11 becomes more real.
While, I haven’t become nervous, anxious, or begun to suffer from the notorious “cold feet”, I find myself currently in awe of the road to this point. Yes, while most will find themselves looking to the future, a part of me recently has looked the other direction.
And part of that is due to the unknown road that I have taken to this point.
Recently, I came across a quote, a scripture if you will, that stated the following:
“For no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has conceived, the things God has for those who love him.”
-1 Corinthians 2:9
Growing up, not once would I have ever imagined meeting someone like my soon-to-be wife. It never crossed my mind that the friends that I had, would still be by my side. Never did I think that I would meet people in places that I never heard of before that would soon become an important part of my life.
Growing up, I always had a vivid imagination of what life would be like when “you grew up”. You would live here, live there. You will be doing this for a living, doing that. You would have accomplished this, accomplished that.
During those years, the world seemed to have such endless possibilities.
And ten years later as I punch the keys typing this post, while my life has not turned out to the grandeur that I once imagined and hoped it would be, it has unraveled to be a picture I never – EVER – once thought was possible. A possibility that was never thought to have been possible.
And to be honest, I wouldn’t trade it for anything possible, or imaginable.
The good Lord has provided me with cornerstones and angles in my life that I would have never been able to predict or imagine.
So yes, with 201 days to go, I am very excited.
Looking back at a once unknown road yet to be traveled, and the work God has done thus far along the way, who wouldn’t?