Note: I work for a park slowly in continuing development in Manhattan that is five miles along the waterfront of the Hudson River. As a Public Programs Coordinator, yours truly handles anything public related in regards to permitting (athletic facilities, film shoots, photo shoots, weddings, and other small gatherings), and of course, dealing with any questions or inquiries from the public. The following series will present stories, e-mails, phone calls, conversations, interactions, and sights I've seen from the people of New York City in regards to a public park. And yes, these are all real! And are all true!
There is not much to this story. In fact, this is one of those stories that need no introduction, no background, or no information of park policy or regulations. Obviously, as any other government-run entity, especially, a park, we offer various free programs throughout the year. Concerts. Movies. Recreational events. Children events. Education. Etc... The following is an e-mail I received from someone interested in our summer series.
"What is the cost of admission for your free events?"
Ummm, yeah, not much to say about this one. Just another tale that continues to kill my faith in humanity.