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The European Chronicles - 6/10/14

Day Fifteen.

Brooklyn, NY.

Home. Sweet. Home.

As much as I miss vacation and the adventure that was the past two weeks in Europe, I miss this. America. My apartment. Television in English. Baseball! And oh yeah, living in a space that is larger than the small European hotel rooms. So yes, I'm glad to be back in the states.

As the last post in this series, I just wanted to wrap up the trip with some final thoughts, comments, and recap what was an amazing adventure. With that said, here are some final quick and random thoughts on the trip that was.

  • Italians are very forward and blunt. Especially, when it comes to sales and money.
  • As soon as we left for England is where I finally got used to having to pay to use a public restroom.
  • And, BTW, try your darnest NOT to use a public restroom in Italy.
  • Italy's cliffs, beaches, and colorful houses remind me very much of the Caribbean.
  • I know the bidet is a cultural thing in Italy, but why is it a priority over the toilet in the design of restrooms?
  • By the way, it's not a restroom or a "washroom" as the British and Caribbean folks would say, you must ask for the "toilettes" in Italy. Sounds rather simple, right?
  • Italy has a strict NO gun policy. Not looking to get political, but from the news and from the lips of our tour guide, their country doesn't struggle with gun issues at all.
  • Italian men all seem very shady. Well, at least most of them do.
  • "Italian" food here in the States is now a joke to me.
  • Speaking of, folks who claim to be "Italian" but act like the typical "guido" are also big posers.
  • I actually enjoyed wine in Italy.
  • Peroni Beer is fantastic.

  • The Subways system, or "The Tube" as the call it, is the cleanest and most logical subway rail I've ever seen. Seriously, it makes me wonder about all of the things wrong with the MTA.
  • Fish and Chips is boss. I've had it before, but it's special in England.
  • The Brits are such courteous people.
  • London is tremendously diverse.
  • London is probably my favorite city...after New York, of course.
  • Pubs are amazing. Again, just something different about the vibe in them compared to bars here in the States.

And of course, before wrapping up, I promised the tag team partner that I would rank all of the cities/places we've been to. She loves lists. So with that said, here goes.

  1. London
  2. Rome
  3. Positano (Amalfi Coast)
  4. Venice
  5. Capri
  6. Tuscany
  7. Florence
  8. Assissi
  9. Pompeii
  10. Sorrento
  11. Pisa

And oh yeah, I have to give props to a certain pair of sneakers I purchased for this trip. For anyone looking for a super light and comfortable pair of kicks for running, training, or just hiking, be sure to check out Reebok's One Cushion line. Awesome pair of kicks that kept my feet and legs fresh through two weeks of non-stop walking. 

They are other color choices, but I liked the craziness of this selection

Well, there it is. The European Chronicles are done. Finished. Kaput. It was amazing, and an experience I'll take with me for the rest of my life. I hope to someday get back across the pond again, and at the very least, to be able to visit London once again. For now, it's back to the real world, and the real grind of life.

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