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The IF Factor: Questions Answered #391-400

391. If you were to describe the worst poverty you have ever seen, what would you say?

Easy. It would have to be where my father is from - Byera Hill on the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I've been to a few cities and in some pretty rough neighborhoods, but without a shadow of a doubt, Byera was the worst I've ever experienced. All the homes were shacks or broken cinder blocks with makeshift roofing. No indoor plumbing in any of the homes with outside and shared community bathroom areas. Mostly everyone, including children were walking around with very little clothes and no shoes. 

Makes me appreciate the success story of my dad leaving home at the age of sixteen, eventually making it to the United States, and creating the American dream for himself and his family. 

392. If you could impose a heavy tax on any single item, what would it be?

A heavy tax on businesses that outsource over 25% of their positions overseas. I think the United States needs to do more in keeping jobs here at home.
393. If you were to name the most ridiculous lawsuit you have ever heard about, what would it be?

The teenage girl who filed a lawsuit against her parents who cut her off from their money when she refused to listen to them or abide by the house rules. Her lawsuit calls for the remaining tuition of her private high school education to be paid as well as her college education, and complete emancipation from her parents. 


394. If you could spend next New Year's Eve doing anything, what would you do, and with whom?

Absolutely nothing. Sitting at home on the couch, reflecting on the year that was with my wife is perfect. Pretty much what I do every year, and I love it.

395. If you could have been present during the inauguration of any past President, whose would it be?

Easily, President Obama's. A historic inauguration for obvious reasons. 

396. If you could un-tax anything now currently taxed, what would you pick?

I would impose a tax-free rule on bottled water. Why? I'm not sure, but the idea of paying tax on purchasing water just seems very silly and overdone to me. 

397. If you could have season tickets for any team, sitting in an place in the stadium, which team would it be and where would you sit?

The Knicks. Madison Square Garden. Under the left basket, to the right of it. Seated right next to Jim Dolan. 

For the heck of it, my second pick would be Yankee Stadium, right next to the Yankees dugout. 

398. If you were to spend a week anywhere alone without contact with civilization, where would you go?

My answer as usual, the Caribbean. Probably Barbados, as I would like a flat island to travel around if I were by myself. 

399. If you had to choose a television personality to be president of the United States, who would you pick?

This is a tough one. It actually stumped me for a few minutes. After no real candidates come to mind, because after all, there is a reason these people are on TV and not running the country in some capacity,  I'm going with one of the MLB Network personalities. Possibly Harold Reynolds. At least he stands by his convictions and isn't afraid to admit when he is wrong. Although, hearing State of the Union addresses by Matt Vasgersian would be awesome. Sorry, this is by far the hardest question of this series.

I refuse to pick Oprah if that's who you were thinking. In my opinion, she would make such an awful president. 

400. If you had to be stuck for hours in any airport, which would you want it to be in?

Easily, JFK Airport here in New York City, Terminal 5, which is Jet Blue's terminal. A new, very clean, state of the art terminal with comfortable seating, televisions, charging stations, restaurants, bars, and of course, free (working) wifi.

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