431. If you had to spend one weekend alone in a single store but could remove or add nothing, which store would you pick?
The easy answer would be Walmart, right? But I'm sure everyone has been to Walmart at least once, and it isn't exactly a place you would want to stay at. I'll go with Target. Everything I need is there. I'll throw together a few futons, play some video games, and enjoy the snacks/food/produce there is.
432. If you could referee or judge one sport as a permanent job, which would you choose?
Refereeing is not an easy gig. Not at all. But I wouldn't mind being an umpire in baseball.
433. If you could give a single piece of advice to the automobile industry, what would you tell them?
Keep it simple. Especially the American auto industry. Before the economic fallout of 2008, there was no wondering why the American auto industry was in the dumps - just look at the designs and makes of the products produced. Since then, it's been much better, especially in bringing back many of the classic muscle cars.
434. If you had to sacrifice your own life for one thing, what would it be?
My faith - Jesus.
435. If you could recover one thing you've lost in your lifetime, what would you wish to find?
I'm not sure I have any item per say, but there was a box containing many of my faimily's kitchen utensils marked very obviously, "Kitchen Utensils" which until this day, we have no idea where it disappeared to in a move between houses. For my parents, especially my mom, I wouldn't mind finding that box.
436. If you could memorize one book from history in its entirety, which book would you want it to be?
The Bible. That would be quite the feat. And even if you aren't a believer, it's a big book, and even you have to admit that would be impressive.
437. If you were given a yacht today, what would you name it?
Pondering Spirit. Ha!
438. If you were given a racehorse, what would you name it?
Metro Tropical. Yeaaaah, I'll go with that. I've never been into horse racing so...whatever.
439. If you had to name the best purchase you've ever made, which one would you choose?
As of right now, I would probably say car orrrrrrrr my college education, if you count that as a "purchase".
440. If you could have been told one thing that you weren't told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard?
Be yourself and follow your heart. Let's be honest, the teenage years are tough years in many areas in life.