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Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/4/13

3 Up

1. Fast Food Workers Strike - This gets the nod this week not because I agree or disagree with the move by some fast food workers to demand higher pay, but because the discussion of economics and true solutions for our country are being healthily discussed. Sometimes, this is where progression begins.

2. Robin Thicke - I haven't heard your album (yet), but I've heard "Blurred Lines" just about everywhere I go. I won't lie and say it's not overplayed at this point, but major props are in order for that.

3. Nike - For severing it's ties with MLB cheat, Ryan Braun. Is the seperation permanent (as it should be)? Only time will tell.

3 Down

1. Riley Cooper - I touched upon this at length this week, but using the "N" word towards a black person is a huge no-no. You just can't do that today and expect to be forgiven immediately. Way to hinder your career and reputation on something very stupid.

2. Alex Rodriguez - Ahhh, A-Rod, you would make such a great heel in pro wrestling! That press conference this week also didn't do you much help in public appeal as well.

3. TNA Wrestling and Tito Ortiz - After an awesome buildup for a mystery man through social media, the company dropped the ball in following through. Not because Tito Ortiz was overly a terrible choice, but simply because of the execution. The weird stare was well...awkward.

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