3 Up
1. Dehumanizing Athletes - I'm not one to play daily fantasy sports, or one who really cares to do so. If you do, that's great. More power to you. However, this piece in the New York Times was a great read on how many like myself feel about it. As a former athlete, I thoroughly agree.
2. Thanksgiving - Despite the origin of the holiday, Thanksgiving is a great time to get together with loved ones and family to spend some much needed time to kick off the Holiday season. And of course, the food is always so good.
3. Kobe Bryant Retirement - Announced tonight on the Players Tribune (which is a fantastic website by the way), The Black Mamba announced that this season will be his last. A great from-the-heart write-up, and a much needed announcement so we can acknowledge one of the best athletes of this generation on his way out of the game.
3 Down
1. Boko Hiram - I'm not sure why the media is not discussing the threat of Boko Hiram in Africa. Not only are they responsible for the most fatalities through terrorism this year, but they continue to destroy regions in Northern Africa, specifically the country of Cameroon this week. Is it because they haven't threatened the West? Is it because we just don't value the lives of those in Africa? Whatever. These goons need to be stopped as well. Such a sad world...
2. Laquan McDonald's Death - I watched the released video of McDonald's death in the street by police officers and could not watch it again. How in the world can another human being shoot down a young man and then fire away on his lifeless body in the streets like that? The video is telling of many things wrong in our country right now.
3. Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting - What an ugly week in the world for "Downs", huh? Nonetheless, let's call this what no one is - terrorism. This is indeed terrorism, folks. Ugh. So sick of this week's news...
1 Crazy
1. Black Friday Shoppers - These people are crazy and ridiculous. Just me bloggin, but I find it fascinating how we are willing to make efforts to give up precious time to wait on line outside of a store with others for items we probably don't really need, but we can't even go out and vote when we have a chance to make a difference. Whatevs. Again, so over this week's news.