We all have our favorite ways to get exercise when it comes to that super interesting place called the gym. For me, the gym is a fascinating place to people watch, but most importantly, there are tons of options (obviously!) there to improve your fitness, and to improve your overall wellness. With that said, I'm dishing out a rather simple (and the latest) Pondering 10 list - My Favorite Workouts at the gym. Enjoy!
10. Walking Lunges (w/bar) - I never get guys who skip leg day (or all leg exercises). Never quite understand the fascination with chest/biceps. Whatever. Nonetheless, walking lunges with a bar on your back is always a challenging workout that helps your hip flexors as well as opening your hips. Just missing out by the way, would be goblet squats. Kettlebells are so underutilized.
9. Squats (Front and Back) - One of the most basic movement patterns, squats are essential. Again, I am favorable to front squats because it helps a taller guy like myself in line, but back squats are great as well. I switch 'em up from time to time.
8. Farmer's Walks - The epitome of picking things up and putting them down. Love Farmer's Walks for the everyday-practicality challenge it presents.
7. Bench Press - Who doesn't have this on their list? The macho test of strength, though not the true test of strength. I have longer arms, so I used to hate bench pressing (bars or dumbells). I sort of still do, but I've come around to it's importance and link to other lifts I enjoy a lot.
6. Anything HIIT - Because I've always hated distance running, or running in general, high intense interval training routines became my best friend. Challenging. Breaks up the monotony. And highly rewarding. Especially when done outside. Though, I still from time to time bang out 3 or 4 miles when there is a game on to watch while on the treadmill. Don't judge me.
5. Push Press - Military Press are fun, but there is something about the push press that is enjoyable. The total body usage, the speed, and the overall test of strength make it fun.
4. Thrusters - Full body workouts. Thrusters are insanely tiring, but again, fun. Also, they are a great median or alternative on days you cannot squat or are in between squat sessions.
3. Box Jumps - I used to be afraid of box jumps because of my knee and foot conditions. Now that I do the correct strength training, box jumps are so, so, so, much fun. Great explosive exercise that does indeed pay dividends on other lifts.
2. Deadlifts - Supreme full body test of strength. How can you not love deadlifts? Love the mental side of performing them as well.
1. Power Cleans - I wish I could do power cleans all day. In all the combinations - power cleans + jerks, power cleans + front squats, or both! Or even just clean reps. I just love the benefits. I love the mental side of doing them. I also absolutely love the constant tinkering and improving of your form as you go along. It's addicting and very, very, challenging.