3 Up
1. Obama Farewell - It was an absolutely well done speech by the President. The open gathering in Chicago was a nice touch, and as always, he delivered with an awesome speech. The closing line of "Yes we can, Yes we did" was the kind of line every debater or speech-giver gives dreams of. Again, well done by the President.
2. Paul Ryan Town Hall - So much props to Speaker Ryan for his open town hall on CNN this week. Ryan received some very heavy questions from the audience, especially some that pinned him into distancing himself from President-elect Trump on specific issues. He handled himself gracefully, honestly, at times, humorously, and also, provided a new side which everyone can respect, despitedyour political affiliation or stance.
3. "Diversity" Coin - OK, so it's not going to change race relations in America, but featuring lady liberty as a black woman is a nice beginning to a series of coins to present our our country's diversity. Now, if we can just get rid of awful human beings like Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson. Just saying...
3 Down
1. Derrick Rose - This dude is the worst. He walks out on his team, and then has the nerve to come back and criticize his coach. And yeah, he's looking for a max deal this summer. Ugh.
2. Fox News - Not playing sides here - I know how some get with their CNN/MCNBC/Fox News preferences. Regardless, flipping over to Fox News to hear Sean Hannity and a few others rip Obama for not mentioning Chicago's murder rate in his farewell speech was rather dumb, and downright reaching. I understand the station's political stance, but the continued politicizing of Chicago, and the constant reaching to drive negative content was poor. Especially, in this moment.
3. Ringling Bros Closure - After 146 years, the Ringling Bros are closing business. It's unfortunate, but the times are changing, and this staple is closing up its touring forever. So sad.