3 Up
1. Worldwide Women's March - This was really cool. Not only were the marches on Washington, but they spread throughout the country and even overseas. These are issues for all, and it's good to see people use that power to make their point and to be change they would like to see.
2. Teacher Educating Children Under Bridge - I loved everything about this story. The idea of underprivileged children being taught is heartwarming. It's even more surreal when you view the pictures.
3. President Trump's Speech - Look, giving props to the current President doesn't seem to be en vogue right now. However, I'm going to give the guy some credit for his inauguration speech, which I felt was his best speech yet.
3 Down
1. "Alternative Facts" - My goodness, the world has gone mad when it comes to information, truth, and the dispensary of it all. "Alternative facts" is a ridiculous term, and yes, even more so is the moronic debate over attendance at the inauguration. Who cares?! And that's for both - and all - sides of the political spectrum.
2. Yordana Ventura and Andy Marte - Such a tragic loss for the game of baseball. Months since the loss of Jose Fernandez, the game loses the young star, Ventura, and a grizzled veteran in Marte on the same day to car accidents.
3. Westbrook Snub - NBA All-Star voting has always been the worse. Maybe the Russians have been hacking them for years? Kidding. But seriously, how does any respecting fan not vote for Westbrook over Curry? How can you average a triple-double and NOT be elected to the game?
1 Idiot
1. Madonna - Her remarks about the White House were idiotic. I'm all for protests, but that comment was just stupid.