3 Up
1. Charles Oakley - Did anyone else win the week more than "The Oak Man"? As I briefly mentioned (Living Vicariously Through Oakley), Oakley gave us all a moment we wanted to live vicariously through, and even more ammunition against James Dolan and the Knicks brass.
2. Yale - Kudos to Yale University on renaming Calhoun College because of ties to white supremacy and slavery. Hopefully, this starts a trend for many institutions who still have various ties on their campus to slavery and other forms of white supremacy.
3. WWE Elimination Chamber - Bray Wyatt?! What?! Where did that come from?! Not going to lie, throughly shocked by tonight's outcome.
3 Down
1. Betsy DeVos Confirmation - Ugh. I can't even...I just can't.
2. New York Knicks - Talk about a disaster of a week. From the entire Charles Oakley incident, to James Dolan making it all sooooooo much more worse - the Knicks are just an outright disaster.
3. Twitter Wars - I'll refrain from getting too political, but I would like if the President didn't pick fights with Mark Cuban and simply worried about the issues at stake.