71. Would you rather watch a long film of all the best moments of your life thus far or a short clip of the only most pivotal moments?
I would definitely go with a short clip of the most pivotal moments. I don't need a long film about myself. Although, a documentary about these pivotal moments would be very interesting. And yes, I love documentaries and knowledgeable pieces.
72. Would you rather go on a trip with your friends or your significant other?
Ha, easily my significant other. We've been to a handful of places around the globe already. She's an awesome co-pilot, and a tremendous travel partner.
73. Would you rather look young and beautiful and never age or have the ability to be invisible?
Invisibility. This may sound weird, but there is some grace in growing old. Plus, youth doesn't always equal beauty.
74. Would you rather listen to an electric guitar or an acoustic guitar?
I've always been a sucker for acoustic guitars. I have one, too! Someday I'll really teach myself how to play it instead of the random strumming that I do on there.
75. Would you rather spend the day watching NASCAR or golf?
Oh man, both sound super boring to me. I guess I'll go with golf. At least there is some variability there. I don't think I'll ever understand the appeal to NASCAR.
76. Would you rather go on a cruise to multiple places or fly to one destination at a time?
Only cruises I've been on have been short boat rides around the city, or in the islands to view sunsets. Not interested in long cruises in the slightest bit. Get me to a destination. I'll explore and dive into the culture there.
77. Would you rather have a personal fashion assistant or a personal chauffeur?
Personal chauffeur. The ability to be driven would be epic. Blah on the fashion assistant. If I could, I would wear shorts and sneakers everyday to be honest.
78. Would you rather hide or seek?
Seek. It always appealed to me be on that side. Plus, I was too tall to really provide myself a great hiding spot.
79. Would you rather have peanut butter or Nutella?
Peanut Butter. I'm addicted. I can eat it all-day, everyday.
80. Would you rather live anywhere you want and have your house paid off or travel anywhere you want for free forever?
Travel. Travel. Travel. Travel. And oh yeah, travel. A house would be nice, but it's just not me. I love traveling and seeing the world. Give me that option.