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365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #146-161

146. How short would your life have to be before you would start living differently today?

I'm not quite sure of the length, but I think once you become aware of the finish line - any finish line -  and where and when it will be, you begin living life differently. We live life without that finish line in sight, therefore, we believe it is far away.

147. Is it better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all?

Loved and lost. At least you have experienced it, and know what it truly entails. To not have loved at all, is missing out on one of the greatest qualities and feelings in life. 

148. What would you do if you made a mistake and somebody died?

Oh gosh, this one completely threw me off track. I'm not quite sure how I would handle it. I would probably be an emotional and mental wreck, especially considering my tendency to strive for perfection (if though nothing good ever comes of it). I'm a huge believer that all things happen for a reason, and I'd probably always live with the question of why did this happen? Why did it happen to me? How do I move on? And how do I use this to make me a better person?

149. Who do you trust and why?

God. Who's more powerful and knowing? I'm not sure about you, but I'll take the creator of the universe and ruler of all things as my first pick. I'm not sure if there is a better candidate.

150. If you were forced to eliminate every physical possession from your life with the exception of what could fit into a single backpack, what would you put in it?

Hmmm, this is another tough one. Let's give it a try:

a. Phone
b. Phone charger
c. Underwear
d. T-shirt
e. Shorts
f. Bible
g. Chewy Bars (I've finally admitted I'm addicted to them)
h. Wallet
i. Wedding Ring
j. Pictures of loved ones
k. Lots of Cash

Off the top of my head, that is what comes to mind. Not sure what else I could bring.

151. When does silence convey more meaning than words?

When the truth is on the line or at stake. For example:

Person A: Do you think I'm fat?
Person B: ummm...*silence*

See what I mean?

152. How do you spend the majority of your free time?
A lot of my free time is spent around this little blog called Dome Pondering. Whether it's editing previously written posts, writing new posts, or planning new ones, I enjoy creative writing. The other chunk of my free time consists of either watching sports, or playing video games.

153. Who do you think of first when you think of ‘success?’
My first thought is of my parents. Two immigrants from the islands with limited education that came to the United States and captured the American dream via marriage, children, a home, and happiness through hard work, freedom, and drive. "Success" doesn't get any better than that.

154. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Oh boy, what didn't I want to be? Starting at the age of three all the way until now, here is another list of my wishful thinking careers:

a. Bus Driver (at three years old while on a bus with my mom)
b. Doctor (at five years old while at the doctor's office with my dad)
c. Sanitation (also at five after watching the garbage truck come around).
d. A professional wrestler (eight years old)
e. A baseball player (twelve years old)
f. Creative Writer/Booker For Pro Wrestler (Fourteen Years old)
g. Athletic Director/General Manager for pro team (sixteen years old)
h. A novelist (seventeen years old)
i. PA Announcer (Basketball, MMA, or pro wrestling) (twenty-one years old)

155. How will today matter in five years from now?

Great question. Today, I'm just working until 5pm, and headed to the gym to work out. So I guess, it'll matter in my bank account and my overall wellness. But that is a great question that we should give thought to everyday.

156. How have you helped someone else recently?

I've helped my parents with all of their technical/electronic issues, coached at a local little league, and I've offered some advice to a close friend of mine. Nothing great, but not too shabby either.

157. What is your greatest skill?

I've been told it is patience and poise. I rarely get shaken in times of crisis or conflict. Honestly, I just don't see the big deal in many of the everyday problems some people freak out about. It can be a gift and a curse in some ways.

158. Do you see to believe or believe to see?

Definitely, believe to see. Miracles occur everyday, and I'm always looking for one, or interested in hearing about one.

159. How are you pursuing your dreams right now?

By working to improve my skills and overall resume. Although, there are times I feel like I could be doing more...but don't we all feel that way?

160. What’s the next big step you need to take?

I'm not quite sure. After grad school, engagement, and marriage, the logical process will dictate that a child and then a house are the next huge milestones.

161.  If today was the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

Oh heck no. If today were the last day of my life, being in front of a computer screen in a corner cubicle is not exactly how I would want to spend it.

Which really is a question that makes one think about the thought of living everyday like it is your last...and how that gels with our normal routine for earthly survival.

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