Of the 168 hours in a week, 49 hours are spent sleeping, which leaves 119 hours of awakened experience. Of the 119 hours, 40 are spent working, or 33% - one third - of your time is spent at work. And that's if you don't work overtime. Unlike grammar school or college, we spend that 33% with others who we cannot escape. We must work with them, be around them, and see them everyday, for eight hours. These co-workers consist of those we enjoy working with, those who we don't mind, and those who just downright annoy us. The following Pondering 10 list is dedicated to those annoying co-workers that simply make our work environment tougher than it should be.
10. The Sailor - This is that co-worker that feels the need to use language as if they are out on a fishing boat in the deep blue sea. This is the co-worker that drops the f-bomb in every sentence they say like clockwork completely making the work environment feel unprofessional, and making it awkward for those phone conversations with them in the background.
9. The Introvert - We all know this person. They are the co-worker that makes it hard to get through the day by saying and contributing absolutely nothing social. They enjoy being alone, not saying a word, and looking at you watch the clock tick until the end of the day. Hey Introvert, how about you say something? Anything! Everyone wins when you do!
8. The Pervert - The co-worker that creeps and peeks around the workplace flirting and making dirty jokes every forty seconds as if they are some sort of sex maniac. These folks oddly enough walk that fine-line without crossing over into harassment. The ones that do, are usually the folks no one talks to in the workplace.
7. Office Gossip - Have you heard? You know what I heard? You won't believe what I just saw? Yes, this person lives to simply stir the pot for their enjoyment. They will even try to share their dirt with you even if you are barely acquaintances, and they will do so as if they are somehow doing you a favor. Sadly, this is the person no one trusts in the workplace, and they have no idea.
6. All in the Family - This is the person that received their job through nepotism or politics. They aren't qualified or haven't the faintest idea of what to do, but you know what, they know people in power. And they know that you know that. And they will make sure you know without actually saying it. No one likes this person. No one.
5. Do You Work Here? - Ever see an empty desk with supplies and personal belongings that looks like someone occupies it, however, you are not sure who? Well, this is the person in the workplace that somehow has manipulated the work benefits to never - ever - show up to work. Possibly once in awhile, here and there, every so often just to show face. This person collects a regular paycheck, yet is always out sick, on vacation, on medical leave, family leave, maternal/paternal leave, or of course, for personal time. Somehow, you always get saddled with the work this person should be responsible for and you can't even be mad - because you've never seen this person.
4. Running For Office - Politics is the name of the game for this person. They have no true talents, skills or abilities, but they know how to network, schmooze, play politics, talk up the big bosses, and drop those they no longer need as they climb the ladder. We all wonder when everything will catch up with this person.
3. Take a Chill Pill - No one likes to be around this person. It is the co-worker that freaks out about everything. They are constantly paranoid about being fired or losing their job. And when they are actually doing their job, they are always freaking about everything related to the job to the point where it is annoying.
2. TMI - Ah yes, the Too Much Information person. This co-worker is the emotionally unbalanced individual that feels the need to share every personal and intimate detail about their life with co-workers. We don't care. Keep it to yourself. Let's keep it general, huh?
1. What Exactly Do You Do? - This person, usually somehow your boss or supervisor, is the co-worker that is employed, but no one has any idea what they do, since, they actually never do anything. Sadly, and most often the case, this person will earn more than you, and is considered for promotions. Yet, no one has any idea what exactly they do.