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The IF Factor: Questions Answered #101-110

101. If you were to prescribe a cure for grief, what would it entail?

The cure would be music, dancing, and the clinching ingredient of the cure, a smile. 

102. If someone were trying to woo your lover away from you, what methods would bring them the most success?

Haha, this one is going to get me in trouble. But here goes...

They'd have to be funny, a little bit crazy, and be pretty good at making meatballs and pancakes for starters. 

After that, I would say being a good listener and being very patient will help too. 

With that said...I love you, babe!

103. If you had to name the one thing you have witnessed in your life that best describes Goodness, what would you say?

I once saw a blind man on the subway drop a $100 bill as he was attempting to feel for it's worth in the midst of three other bills. A lady next to her picked it up and returned it to him.

Simple, but really that is all it takes to actually be good in this world. A little bit of effort. Unfortunately, even that, most of the time, is too much.  

104. If you could have modeled in one of Calvin Klein's advertising campaigns for either underwear or fragrance, which ad would you like to have been in?

Fragrance. I don't think anyone wants to see me model underwear. Especially, when I'm supposed to entice people to buy said underwear. 

105. If you had to name the best music album ever recorded, which would you select?

Thriller, by Michael Jackson. Most sold album of all-time. Nothing has sold more, and nothing ever will. 

106. If you had to name the one time in your life when you were the most angry, when was it?

It's hard to pin point one moment to be honest. There were personal instances such as fights as a kid or even world event moments such as 9/11 and mass shootings. 

This is one I really can't answer since no one really ranks their level of anger. At least I don't think they do. 

But to simply answer the question, I'd go with the moment after a fight I had gotten into in Junior High School. As one of the new kids in the neighborhood, a kid decided to throw my jacket and hat on the floor in homeroom. After ignoring him, and putting it back, he threw them back on the floor and stomped on my newly fitted Yankee hat. Now remember, this was before fitted hats were popular and were being sold as "official hats of baseball". Of course, I saved up $24 (insanely expensive at the time for a hat), and this kid flattened it in one stomp. Well, in a fury of such rage that I don't even remember much thereafter, I decked him straight in the face, tackled him, mounted him, and fired fist after fist upon his face. 

His friends eventually pulled us apart, as I thought they would then jump me. However, the teacher returned to the classroom and the ongoing ruckus, and was never able to get a word out of the class on what had just happened. Even though he had a bloodied lip and swollen face, and I looked disheveled and possibly still boiling with rage. 

Nonetheless, afterwards,  in typical fashion, we all became friends. 

Good answer? No? Tough, I tried. 

107. If you were to be killed by an animal, what kind would you want it to be?

What?! This is the most terrifying question so far.  I would settle for something quick and easy. I'll go with the most wimpiest way to go out in regards to this question. Being scratched by a cat, getting infected, and then passing away. 

108. If you could have any view in the world visible from your bed, what would it be?

Simply, a view of the beach. Preferably on the ocean. 

109. If you could have prevented any single fashion idea or trend from happening, which would you have stopped?

Sagging pants. I'll admit it started during my generation, but the fact that it is still popular combined with the fact that skinny jeans are as well makes for a terrible, terrible statement. 

It amazes me that kids still do it, especially when the gesture originated from jail when men would sag their pants to make other inmates aware that they were, ahem, available. 

110. If you were to have bells ring out loud automatically (for all to hear) every time you did a certain thing, what would it be? 

Every time I posted something new to the DP. How about that for advertisement? *ding*ding* Would be like a weird version of Pavlov's dog.

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