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Gone! My Special Fandom for TNA Wrestling

Betrayed is the first word that comes to mind when I currently think about TNA Wrestling, specifically, it's management. This post has nothing to do with the men and women who gave their all in the ring and behind the scenes to help TNA reach it's potential, or at the very least, a viable alternative in the pro wrestling marketplace to the WWE. 

This penned post is about the leadership, namely Dixie Carter, who has allowed a company that many supported for it's original philosophy to deteriorate drastically since 2010. The remarkable difference in status for TNA Wrestling since then measures a stark contrast, and after awhile, fan such as myself who have been there since night one, not just lose faith, but confidence, and eventually, interest. 

I understand the good she has done. TNA doesn't exist with out her. I know the story. I think every pro wrestling fan does. But the questionable business moves over the past few years, the lack of vision for the company, and overall, the continued steps backwards, has left me completely empty in the department of fan equity and overall, patience. 

The recent legal proceedings, for me at least, has revealed the shady practices in which TNA's current leadership has done business. And then you double down on the small things, such as the optics which surround the company - the website, the social media, the mere attempts to simply try to present a viable product, or at the very least, be real and honest with it's fans. All of it, is inexcusable. 

And now, following the legal decisions this past Monday, we receive news (via Facebook - I know, come on...) that they now have lost one of their biggest television deals in the UK. 

Ugh...oh, TNA Wrestling.

It's so hard supporting you, TNA! I have enough heartache in my life being a huge fan of the New York Knicks, but at least their stupidity is in trying. The neglect and negligence is my biggest hurdle as a fan of TNA. Dixie Carter used to tout "winning one fan over at a time", and over the past few years, I honestly felt like she's taken advantage of the core fanbase that has supported this company. 

All in all, I'm not walking away from TNA as I love pro wrestling. But, that special attention and support that I once had for the company - that special place in my heart that was dwindling and holding on to nostalgia of the past - all of it is now gone. Completely snuffed out like a gush of air across a lit candle within the last 48 hours. 

I wish the best for the company as TNA has (ironically, enough) the most entertaining television product on the air - go figure. But it's very difficult to attempt to invest in a foundation sitting on quicksand, and one that has leadership that refuses to put you first like it once did. 

To those early, spry and naive years of TNA, you were special. Pro Wrestling needs another revolution like you. 

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