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Would You Rather: Questions 31-40

31. Would you rather Have three kids and no money, or no kids and three times your money?

This might sound weird, but no kids and three times my money sounds like the better, less stressful option. Three kids and no money just seems like an awful predicament where not only do I suffer, but my three kids as well. 

32. Would you rather Be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?

Most intelligent. I don't really need, or have ever needed the attention of being the funniest person in the room Knowledge is power. 

33. Would you rather Have a Lamborghini in your garage or a bookcase with 9000 books and infinite knowledge?

Give me the Lambo. There is something fun and intriguing and releasing about the pursuit of knowledge. Plus, 9,000 books sounds super excessive. 

34. Would you rather Reverse one decision you make every day or be able to stop time for 10 seconds every day?

I would prefer to stop time for 10 seconds every day. Is that the equivalent to a twenty-second timeout per day? If so, then yeah, I can use that. I think everyone can. 

35. Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?

Ummm, I'll take that $50,000.  :)

36. Would you rather Run at 100 mph or fly at ten mph?

Super speed would be awesome. Especially, since I've relatively slow. Give me the speed of 100mph. Plus, flying at 10mph is an awkward way to bring attention to yourself. 

37. Would you rather Continue with your life or restart it?

Ugh...continue it? Restart? Umm, what? 

38. Would you rather Be able to talk your way out of any situation, or punch your way out of any situation?

Talk my way out of every situation. Like I said, I enjoy knowledge, intellect, and thoughtfulness. Fighting my way out of any situation makes me feel like some kind of action hero. Who am I? Steven Seagal?

39. Would you rather Be a cow or a chicken?

Ahhh, Chicken? Either way, I'm gonna get slaughtered, no?

40. Would you rather Have no taste buds or be color blind?

This is a really, tough one. I love color and design too much. I think the no taste buds would force me to eat super healthy, which could be a positive. 

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