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Would You Rather: Questions 41-50

41. Would you rather have free Starbucks for a year or free iTunes for a year? 

Call me crazy, but I am going with free Starbucks for a year. Free ITunes sounds great, but I already have a Spotify account that I already enjoy tremendously. Plus, I live in NYC, and there is a Starbucks like every ten feet. 

42. Would you rather be a ninja or a wizard? 

Ninja! Way cooler, and way more fun. I've seen my wife watch Harry Potter. No offense, not really moved by being a wizard, unless, it's the opportunity to play pro basketball in Washington. 

43. Would you rather go deaf in one ear or only be allowed to use the internet one hour per day?

This is tough, but I am going to go with going deaf in one ear. The internet is so essential in today's world, especially in how I consume information and of course, explore one of my favorite hobbies in contributing to this little blog.

44. Would you rather only wear 80's clothes or only 80's hairstyles? 

80's hairstyles. Bad ass and eccentric. 80's clothes all of the time makes you look weird and a little off the rocker to others who see you daily. 

45. Would you rather be able to listen to any song with your mind, or be able to watch your dreams on your television?

I prefer to listen to any song in my mind. A weird mental Spotify would be fantastic. Watching my dreams on television really doesn't move me. Blah. Eh. 

46. Would you rather live in a five star prison, or the poorest country in the world? 

Give me freedom over everything. Any prison, no matter how nice, is just that, prison. 

47. Would you rather always know when someone is lying, or always get away with lying? 

Always knowing when someone is lying would be absolutely fantastic. Just utterly fantastic! Think about all of the ways you can mess with people and catch them in their lies. Or how about the opportunity to make life decisions based on knowing the truth in a situation? So yeah, guess which one I am going with? 

48. Would you rather be always overdressed or always underdressed? 

Underdressed. Wayyyyyy more comfortable, and produces and atmosphere to conform more often that being formal. 

49. Would you rather be the opposite gender for a day, or be a kid again for a day? 

Be a kid again. I'm not sure I have any desire to be a woman for a day, plus, I would love to have the responsibilities and free mindset of a kid for one day. 

50. Would you rather have the opportunity to explore all of earth, or have the opportunity to go to space? 

This is a really, really good one. I would go with exploring earth. While space is an extremely rare opportunity, exploring the entire world is something I truly enjoy, and would produce multiple experiences within that option. 

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