3 Up
1. Belgium Terror Raid - This obviously gets the top spot this week after Beglium forces raided terrorists within their borders and foiled a planned plot similar to what what we've recently seen in France. Kudos to all the men and women and intelligence in keeping our world safe.
2. Man Survives Being Crushed - This is a remarkable story. After a 20 car pile up, a mans car is crushed between two eighteen wheelers. He somehow survives the wreckage. You have to seen the photo to truly understand this story.
3. Kings heater Restoration - In a nation where we constantly replace old beauty with new and trendy, it's great to see the legendary Kings Theater in Brooklyn, NY restored. After four decades of being abandoned, the theater is now a place of destination for events.
3 Down
1. ISIS Little Boy - The thought of ISIS allowing 13 year old boys to execute captives is appalling and exemplary of this groups true evil.
2. Worst Mom Ever - Seriously, what kind of sicko sets their new born baby on fire in the middle of the street? Ugh...
2. Miss Universe Instagram - Not a fan of beauty pageants (don't see the purpose), but this recent issue of a selfie including Miss Lebanon and Miss Israel is annoying, obnoxious, and ridiculous. Get over it. A selfie doesn't mean political agreement. Just a picture folks. Calm down.
1 Stupid
1. Greg Anthony - Prostitutes? Seriously? Come on Greg. Way to flush your career down the toilet.
1 Waste of an Article
1. Dumb Point - Saw this and had to share. So she ate a lot of food to prove that fat people are just lazy? Ummm, OK. Thanks for the ground breaking news.