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The IF Factor: Questions Answered #61-70

61. If you had to give up your favorite food forever, what is the minimum amount of money you would want in return?

Interesting question. I'd probably take the approximate cost of a serving of that particular food, multiply it by the number of days until I am 75 (average life expectancy of an American male), and then add thirty percent for sacrifice fees. The total would be the minimum, which doesn't even include inflation, interest, or any self-punitive damages.  

So for example, let's take one of my favorite foods, a Chipotle Burrito with white rice, chicken, peppers, tomato, lettuce, cheese, and guacamole - $9.25 (the cost here in NYC, much, much cheaper around the country). 

$9.25 (price per burrito) x 365 (days per year) x 48 (years until 75) + 12 (Amount of Leap days between current age and 75) + %30 = $210, 822.30

Seems like a reasonable amount to give up my freedom to choose me favorite meal. 

Didn't think I'd get so technical, huh?

62. If you had to name the best live musical performance you have ever attended, which would you pick?

Well, I've only been to a handful of live performances. A few because of work, as I've worked on concerts that drew between 3,000-4,000 people, however, I can honestly say I was never interested in either of the talents and/or performers. 

The sole concert I've ever been to was a small show put on by Melanie Fiona here in New York City. I'm a big fan of hers, and via my wife's Yelp addiction, we were able to get in for free. Therefore, since it is my only concert attended, it was the best. Ha!  So there you go, I've never been to any other concerts. Go ahead, I know your reaction...What?!

63. If you had to name the best speech or presentation you've ever heard, what would it be?

Obviously all of my debate arguments and my final awards dinner speech (Forever) in college. Pshhh, yeah! 

No? Well, I didn't buy it either. I would have to go with Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech. A consolation prize would go to the speech given by Coach Gaines in the movie, Friday Night Lights. Are you perfect? 

64. If you had to name the one thing that most frightens you about growing old, what would it be?

For me, it's easily losing my sense of inner-child. I find it incredibly important to grow up, as there are many, especially people I know, who are still stuck in college mode, and simply are afraid to grow up. With age, comes responsibility and yes, knowledge and it is imperative for us to continue to grow up and apply that knowledge favorably to improving ourselves and others. 

However, there is a balance with that assertion, as some can become so wrapped up in seriousness and adulthood that they forgot what it was like to be a child. I'm a big kid, the tag team partner would be the first tell you that (and I'm sure she can go on and on about it). However, keeping a piece of that with you is important. As I grow older, it's amazing to see the power of child-like faith. 

65. If you could be more ambitious in one one aspect of your life, what would it be?

Getting up in the morning. I'm a terrible riser, and an even worse morning person. However, I've been working on improving my attitude, and ability to simply get up like normal people with ample time in the morning, as opposed to the sluggish and quick rush-through before heading out the door. I hate having to meet the world with a not-right-now attitude until I'm able to wake up. Not very inviting. 

66. If you could have anyone from history welcome you into the afterlife, who would you want it to be?

Jesus, period. Who else would be better?

67. If you were to spend the rest of your life in the company of a single type of animal, which would you choose?

Jees, I'm sure my wife is going to love this response, especially since I'm not too fond of animals. I've never had a pet in my life, unless you count the hermit crabs I co-owned with my roommate and one third of my best man trio, whose mom purchased them for us. They died a miserable death after we both went home for Christmas Break and left them to spend their final moments without food, and probably heat. 

Anyhow, I'll have to go with a dog. I'm not too fond of them, but over the years through some much need  therapeutic encounters with some OK ones, I've learned to appreciate them a little bit. And to my wife reading this, no, we still can't get a dog - ever. 

68. If you had to constantly carry a weapon of some kind, what would it be?

This might sound silly, but growing up on pro wrestling, and still being the addict that I am, I always thought it would be cool to have a powder packet. You know, to be able to throw powder in someone's eyes rendering them blind and defenseless for a while, then of course, I'd then hit them with my finishing move ending the confrontation. 

But yeah, now that I'm older, I'd probably go with a gun since pulling out powder from my pants during a moment of danger probably won't be much of a threat. 

A ninja star would be cool too, right? No? OK, let's just stick with a gun.

69. If you had to name the one most important ingredient of human beauty, what would you say it is?

Physical beauty would be a person's smile. Inner beauty would be a person's willingness to help others.

70. If you were to add a thirteenth month to the year, where would you insert it?

How about a month called "Alomar" and I'd place it between July and August to lengthen the summer season. May, June, July, Alomar, August...yeah, just rolls of the tongue! 

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