321. If you could have been the person who discovered any country in history, which country would you like to have been the first to find?
Discovering the United States would have been nice, but we all know the really story on that one, and if you didn't know, people where here first. Still amazing Columbus has a national holiday dedicated to him.
However, I'm going to go with all of the Caribbean islands. All of them, because I'm being greedy on my imaginary exploration legacy. It would be nice to have been the one to have discovered them. Can you imagine getting off a boat from Europe and seeing warm weather and those beaches?
However, I'm going to go with all of the Caribbean islands. All of them, because I'm being greedy on my imaginary exploration legacy. It would be nice to have been the one to have discovered them. Can you imagine getting off a boat from Europe and seeing warm weather and those beaches?
322. If you had to cancel one hour of the day, every day, which hour would you eliminate?
The hour of 3:00pm to 4:00pm. It just drags at work, and always feels like the longest hour of the day.
323. If you could go back in time, as yourself, to observe any single event from your life, and from history, what would you want to witness?
There is a moment playing college baseball where I came in without any bullpen warm ups; game in danger of us blowing a huge lead; bases loaded; no one out; top of the order coming up; and of course, on the road in Purchase, NY, that is always truly special to me. I ended up getting out of the inning and the jam with two strikeouts and a pop out to close the game. For at least one day in my life I got to feel like my guy, Mariano Rivera.
As for history, I would have LOVED to be present for the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.
As for history, I would have LOVED to be present for the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.
324. If you were to choose a musical instrument that best describes your character, what would it be?
Guitar. Simple. Creative. Laid back.
325. If you had to cancel one month of the year forevermore, so that period of time no longer existed, which month would go?
March. Talk about a dreadful period. Waiting for summer. Waiting for baseball to really begin. Waiting for NBA games to become playoff games. And just being tired of winter.
326. If you could do any job in the world for one day, what would it be?
PA announcer for a basketball game.
327. If you had to choose the best television show ever made, which one would you pick?
My favorite television show of all-time - The Cosby Show
328. If you could have been any sports figure from history, who would you want to have been?
Michael Jordan. I would just love the feeling of being better than everyone else, and knowing it.
329. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
Being able to see my family more.
330. If you had to choose the prize for the best movie in history, what film would win?
That's EXTREMELY tough. My favorite movie is Friday Night Lights, but I wouldn't call it the best movie in history. I'll probably go with Schindler's List off the top of my head, right now, as of this writing.