331. If you had to pick the worst movie in history, which one would get the dubious honor?
There are so many. Seriously, sometimes I wonder how some films receive funds to be made, and further, who gives it the green light to be placed on DVD to be documented forever? Off the top of my head right now, I'll go with Click or That's My Boy. Yes, safe to say I'm not a huge Adam Sandler guy.
332. If you could have discovered one medical cure in history, which one would you choose?
Penicillin. Seema pretty practical now, and really cures a lot of illnesses that are now minor, but not so much before this beauty of a discovery.
333. If you could have been a jury member in any court case in history, which trial would you choose?
None. Too much pressure. Although, I've never had to serve (yet), I guess I would choose a trial not so controversial or public. Although it didn't include a jury, I would have loved to sit in on the A-Rod/ML:B suspension arbitration hearings. That would have been gold.
334. If you could add one sentence to the U.S. Constitution, what would it say?
"The right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness does not include lifetime or extensive government assistance" Controversial? Sure, but that's just how I feel.
335. If you could be the author of any quotation from history, what words would you like to have uttered?
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”― Mahatma Gandhi
Such a great quote that truly embodies many of the qualities I strongly hold - faith, education, imagination, and the appreciation of life.
336. If you could choose, from what you own right now, what clothes to be buried in when you die, what would you wear?
Ohhhhh, I don't know. I could careless about what I look like when I'm buried as long as I spend eternity with Jesus. But to answer the question, a simple suit and tie would suffice.
337. If you had to describe the worst job interview in your life, what job would it have been for?
My personal worst job interview would either be for a position to be a farmer (I don't think you apply for that anyway) and to work in the fast food industry. Why? Both jobs are the antithesis of me, and my heart wouldn't be in the interview at all.
338. If you could have hit any homerun in baseball history, which one would you choose?
Easy - Joe Carter's World Series winning home run. It's the dream every baseball-loving kid has when growing up. Other home runs may have gone further, maybe even more dramatic, but none has meant as much as that one.
339. If you could give anonymous advice to any one person about their appearance, who would it be, and what would you say?
To young black males: You - we - are behind the stereotypical eight ball in various matters, don't compound the issue with an idiotic appearance. Do better.