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Dome Pondering Celebrates 1000!

One thousand posts. 

Yes, folks. This is my one-thousandth post here on this little blog in the big world that is the internet. 

It's actually quite amazing to think that Dome Pondering has come this far since its inception. Actually, even crazier to think about its growth since the blog's rebirth here on Blogger. 1000 posts, thoughts, and ponderings later, and here we are.

I'm happy to see what I've built here. A place where pondering on life, sports, wrestling, politics, news, faith, movies, social issues, personal experiences, or just mere creative, fun, writing can reign. In a post like this, it's just fun to look back on it all. All of it.

Instead of the usual look back on my favorite posts, as is usual with every 100th post, I wanted to take a different approach. After all, this is the 1,000th post! With 999 posts under my belt, there are a few things I've learned as a writer and person through them all. 

  1. You have a voice. There are times you sit in front of a blinking cursor and wonder if anyone will ever understand what is about to come out of your mind to fill a blank screen. The truth is, everyone has similar fears and most likely will be able to relate. We all live and learn from one another. 
  2. Don't think, just type. Taken from one of my favorite movies, "Finding Forrester", the motto of "don't think, just type" is an effective one. The best way to get over writer's block is to just "punch the keys" - another Finding Forrester classic. 
  3. Writing from true emotion and feeling is always better than brainstorming a post that will "illicit hits". It's always easy to tell those who write just for filler, or to draw traffic.
  4. Being thorough, transparent, and truthful about personal experiences is always good. I've come to realize that sometimes recording certain experiences is not only therapeutically as well as a good archive read for the future, but once again, serves as a basis for someone else out there who may be going through a similar experience.
  5. Writing and blogging is love and a hobby. I've seen too many people I know start them only to quickly and abruptly end their blogging adventure. Love writing, and this comes easy.
  6.  No one is perfect. Nothing is either. No matter how hard you edit, proofread, or mistakenly hit that key for a typo, people will get it, and it won't affect your message. Mistakes happen. I've learn to slowly let go of perfection.
  7. It's easy to see my development as a person and as an individual by simply going through the previous 999 posts. Some posts contradict one another, some become stronger in opinion on a certain topic. Nonetheless, this blog is a testament to my growth. 
  8. With that said, I've learned people will have an issue with your thoughts. Some will simply become trolls and haters because of their dislike for your stance on topics. I've learned not to take it personally. Not only do they continue to drive me, but also contribute to my driving spirit to encourage debate, and figure out the wonders of life.
  9. I'm still in awe at the compliments I receive. Especially, the invites and offers to write columns for other blogs and websites. Don't take your talents and enjoyment for granted. Continue on...
  10. Through attempting different styles of writing and alternative voices, those lessons have transferred into fearlessly trying new things in life. 
  11. Don't be afraid to admit you're wrong or alter an opinion you've publicly taken. I've received numerous feedback, some of which have drastically changed my mind on specific issues. 
  12. I've subconsciously wanted to write a novel for a while. Maybe one day I'll complete NanoWrimo. But it's taken 1000 posts for me to realize I've pretty much put together a book already. Taking it a step further, it's something friends, family, and maybe my children, one day will be able to reference, add to, and overall, use to further understand my growth and thoughts as an individual.  
  13. Finally, be yourself. The biggest thing I continue to learn with each post. My thoughts. My opinions. No fear. No regrets. 
With that said. Thanks for continuing to visit this site. I'm very much looking forward to sharing many more words, thoughts, experiences, and of course, ponderings, with you over the next 1000 posts and beyond.

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