471. If you could visit only one more place in the world that you have never been, where would you go for this final voyage?
472. If you had to pick the most difficult question you could be asked, what would it be?
Well, it's one that has crossed my mind before - do I sell my parents house or keep it for myself when, you know...
473. If you could rid the earth of one thing, what would it be?
474. If you had to choose the one thing that gives you the most comfort, what would you say?
Jesus. Nothing gives me more security than my faith. Not money. Not security. Not health. Just my faith.
475. If you had to name the one thing that most frightens you about growing old, what would it be?
As I get older, I'm truly starting to appreciate the concept of not just living life to the fullest, but living life with effectiveness.
476. If you could be more ambitious in only one aspect of your life, what would it be?
Morning routine. I'm still a struggling morning person. Partly because my work schedule is all over the place. I would like to become more ambitious in rising early...and I guess going with that, going to bed early. Easier said than done.
477. If you were to spend the rest of your life in the company of a single type of animal, which would you choose?
Well this is a rough question. I guess I'll go with a dog. They seem domestic enough to live with for the rest of my life.
478. If you had to constantly carry a weapon of some kind, what would it be?
Am I in danger? Do I live in a dangerous neighborhood? I will select a knife. A gun seems rather dangerous, and things like rocket launchers and grenades aren't convenient enough.
479. If you had to name the one most important ingredient of human beauty, what would you say it is?
It sounds cheesy and somewhat naive, but a will and need to serve others would be it. Those with a will and characteristic to serve and appreciate others are my favorite people. I typicaly can't stand self-aggrandizing selfish people.
480. If you were to add a thirteenth month to the year, where would you insert it?
Easily between July and August. I'm all about summer, and anyway to expand it would be terrific.