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Homeless: A-Rod's Legacy Is Defined

Go ahead. Take a deep breath before we jump into this again. 


Soooooo, Alex Rodriguez...Yes, A-Rod, that guy. Here we are again with that very guy in the center of the controversial universe again and living up to his "Lightning Rod" NYC-given nickname. 

Upon hearing the news this morning as I opened my eyes with sports radio introducing my day, I laid there in utter disbelief. I'm not shocked by the fact that athletes are still trying to cheat and get an edge, but I was amazed that A-Rod, a man with so little equity with even his own team's fan base, would risk it all - again. A man who I've said so many times before, had very little time following his 2009 performance enhancing drugs  admission to really make a lasting (and long enough) impression on the baseball world to define his overall legacy.

This is a  man who once looked at everyone, lied about PED usage, was caught, and then told us his usage was only between the years of 2001-2003. 

If this proves true, he has to be a liar. After all, here we are, with A-Rod once again continuing to evolve into a devastating tragedy, and continuing to lend himself to scrutiny and controversy. 

We've been down this road before. And as DP devotees know, I find Alex Rodriguez to be the most fascinating athlete ever in my lifetime. There are just so many angles and topics to cover revolving around him. It's quite unbelievable, really. 

But after this morning, and all the news that is slowly being revealed, I'm over much of it.

He's still slightly intriguing because of the scars and history that proceeds the controversy, but the story of A-Rod's potential and possible career recovery is dead. D-E-A-D. And the story of A-Rod himself seems to be trending downward to a huge crash in a hurry. From being benched in the playoffs, to him courting blondes while on the bench during playoff games, to another career threatening hip surgery, now to this latest development, things in A-Rod world are free falling. Alex Rodriguez always had 2009 (at least in this fan's mind and heart) and that memorable run of carrying the Yankees (and all of us crazy fans) to a World Series Championship, but even now that's in question. 

I took to twitter with my immediate thought on A-Rod: "So if 2009 was all a sham, who is A-Rod? Really?"

And to be honest, if it was, what does A-Rod have left? 

His chance of ever seeing his Hall of Fame plaque in the halls of Cooperstown is now zero. Zilch. Nada. Absolutely nothing. 

And now, A-Rod might be the first athlete to ever - EVER - have every single fan base in Major League Baseball, including those he has ever played for, despise him greatly. Even Barry Bonds, one of the game's biggest villains, has a home in San Francisco where he is adored. 

Nothing has been proven as of yet, but Alex Rodriguez is no longer fighting for his legacy. Today, that legacy has been solidified.  

There is a possibility that Alex Rodriguez is cleared as time goes on. He surely hired a high-priced lawyer to make sure that happens. Regardless, I truly believe this is the end. The unmitigated end of the hype, potential, and storybook recovery we all hoped and wished for Alex Rodriguez. We are now left with plenty of what ifs, and honestly, one of the biggest disappointments and frauds in baseball history. 

ESPN reporters Wallace Matthews and Andrew Marchand have already let the cat out of the bag that the New York Yankees are "looking into 20 different ways" to get rid of A-Rod and are "fed up" of his antics. Some even already claiming the star-crossed superstar has already played his final game in pinstripes. 

Although that remains to be seen, the chances of ridding themselves of Rodriguez is slim to none. Yet,  the message is loud and clear. Actually, very loud and clear from everyone - we no longer want you. Alex Rodriguez's legacy is now the man without a home. Not Seattle. Not Texas. Not New York. Not Cooperstown. Not Major League Baseball. And not even within the deepest sympathies of our hearts. 

Oh, what a fall from grace.

From possibly being one the greatest players of all-time with a very good chance of breaking the all-time home run record and being the game's possible celebrated hero, to this...shunned, labeled a fraud, and homeless.

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