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The Pondering 10 - Most Annoying People at Your Supermarket

The supermarket experience is one that is unique. Often times, it is a hub of various people and various ways that can cause several people to grow annoyed and upset. There is just something about the grocery story or supermarket, or just purchasing food items in general that make people on edge. In my experience, there are several reasons that makes the supermarket-experience that much more annoying than it needs to be and it is due to several people who engage in certain annoying things. With that said, the following Pondering 10 are the most annoying people you will find at your supermarket.

10. Cart Pusher in Training - Don't you just love when parents give the reigns of the shopping cart to their kids? I love kids, and I get that you need to give your child responsibilities, but allowing your kid to push a shopping cart that is twice the size of them and three times their weight is not helpful to other shoppers. Especially when you are stuck behind cart pushers in training.

9. FAQ Checkout Person - You just have to love when you are behind a person in the checkout line who decides they are going to ask the cashier/checkout person about every single item they are purchasing. "This is on sale, right?" Or you get this sequence, "Hmmmm, I'm not sure I want that anymore.....umm...OK! I'll take it.*beep* [item scanned] Wait, it's how much? Eeww, no, no never mind. Please take that off my bill".  Just multiply that by every item in their cart. This is the person that apparently didn't bother to take a flyer when they came in to actually be informed.

8. Wild Child(ren) - These are the kids parents do not trust. So yes, these are the kids who are not trust worthy enough to designate "in training". In fact, these are the kids parents had to bring with them to the supermarket because they couldn't find somewhere else for them to stay, and leaving them in the car would pretty much send them to jail. You know those kids. They terrorize everyone else by running everywhere, screaming, cutting you off, and even begging their parents in every aisle for something - by standing in the middle of the aisle - and keeping you from escaping their head penetrating screams.

7. Lots-o-Self Check Out - Self checkouts are unofficial express lanes. They could also be the happy medium for those who have slightly more than the limit that the express lane allows. But of course, you will occasionally get the person who decides to self-checkout their three carts worth of food. A process that ends up taking twice as long as if you were to just go through a normal checkout, three times as long as the minimal wait for a normal checkout line, and four times as long as the average self-checkout. This is the person that completely screws up the self-checkout area.

6. The "Guide me" Creeper - You know this person. This is the indecisive person who apparently has no grocery list or any idea of what they want at the store. They just know that they need food! So they'll browse a lot and pretty much creep on those around them to see what others are buying. "You're looking at chicken breasts, I'll make my way over and do that too!" "Oooooh, there are a bunch of people huddled in Aisle 4, must be something I need"

5. Parking Spot-Cart Litterer - This person drives me nuts. They empty their cart in to their car and thennnnnnn what do they do?! They either leave the cart in the middle of the parking lot, or place the cart in an empty spot so someone has to move it in order to park. Either way, this person is highly annoying. Just take the extra ten seconds to place the cart in the designated return areas. It makes everyone's life much easier.

4. Brainstorm Huddle People - These folks are tied into #6. They are the one's who gather together to analyze and dissect products in an aisle. Usually, these folks don't know one another, but like some crazy force, they find one another in any supermarket to join up in the aisles and get this annoying task done. Good luck getting through.

3. Aisle Blocker - This is simple. This the person who sees a cart pulled over and will do the same with their cart on the other side of the aisle to pretty much block you from ever getting through. And if they can't block you from getting through, they'll do it all by themselves. Thanks pal...

2. Express Checkout Person - Another easy one - you just gotta' love that person that is in front of you with a shopping cart full of stuff and then glares at you with your loaf of bread and eggs in hand while they unload their filled cart in the Express Lane.

1. Wandering/Inept Cart Pusher - My biggest annoyance of them all. This is the person that just stops while they are in front of you. The person that stops at the end of aisles. The person that simply swings their carts wherever pops into their mind. How hard can simply operating the cart like you drive be? Stay on your right. Pull over to let others go around you. Look before you turn. Realize that all aisles are two-way. It's almost like people just lose thought of this and randomly act once they enter.   

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