341. If you were to name the one possession that means the most to you, what would it be?
I would say my car. Worked hard to purchase it. It's still the most expensive item I've ever bought. And it's something I use to take me on many travels and many experiences.
342. If you had to name a person who was the most important role model in your life, who would it be?
Tie. Both of my parents. The idea of migrating to a different country with nothing - no higher education, skills, or friends, and eventually buying a home and having enough to formally retire is something I couldn't imagine myself ever having to do.
343. If the United States had to sacrifice one state, which one would you give away?
Montana. North Dakota. Take your pick. My apologies if you live there and you're a DP devotee. Just that, not exactly the most in-demand, attractive states in the Union.
344. If you could communicate with any type of animal, which would you pick?
Dogs. Maybe then we'd like one another and mend our tumultuous relationship.
345. If you have the sense of humor of anyone you know, whose would it be?
The person that comes immediately to mind is a friend I had in High School. We had the same witty, sarcastic, and often times just ridiculously, foolish humor. What is even weird is that I ran into him in the Subway not too long ago and we picked up right where we were in High School.
346. If you had to name a time when you helped a stranger the most, when was it?
I guess during my time in Parks and Recreation. Helped a lot of strangers, some being very strange as well, if you get my drift.
347. If you had to recall the nicest compliment ever given to you, what would it be?
While going through graduate school, I worked at a student center organizing and coordinating recreational and physical education, after-school programs for children, ages 11 to 18. One of the recreational classes was taught by a former World War II veteran who once told me he "admired the way I carried myself - general-like".
Meant, and still means a lot. I think he is crazy to be honest with you as I am a far cry from a military general. But, I guess I'll take it.
348. If you had to name the most difficult period of your life, when would it be?
Senior year of college through the next two years to follow. Especially, second semester of my senior. I was a mess physically, confused emotionally, and even further away from being a mess and confused, spiritually. Not to mention being laid off in the two years following that time. Tough years when you're not only trying to rebound within, but attempting to strive and find your place in this world.
349. If you could have a stranger come up to you and whisper anything into your ear, what would you want them to say?
To be honest, anything a stranger would whisper in my ear would be strange - and grounds for possible self-defense. But for sake of answering the question I would go with "hey, I know [enter same friend here]. He said you would be a good person to help me out."
Seems like the least offensive and creepy way to do this.
350. If you could give one piece of advice to the Republican party, what would it be?
Modernize. It's as simple as that. A party can be conservative and have values along those lines without seeming like a party for middle-aged white men only. Republicans have lost the support from much of today's generation not because of a growing liberal movement, but because the party has the reputation of not understanding the times nor the needs of today's America, more specifically for them, the conservative needs of America. n my opinion, the republican party's ineffectiveness is part of the reason for the ever-so-strong liberal movement today.