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The IF Factor: Questions Answered #351-360

351. If you could implement a strategy to fight the war on drugs, what would it entail?

Reduce legislation on it's punishment. No politician wants to run their campaign on reducing penalties around drugs, so it continues to fuel the cycle of feeding the black market. 

I'm not in favor of drugs or narcotics of any kind, but the idea there are people doing more time for drug related crimes than rapists, pedophiles, and other serious crimes is frustrating. Especially, when our prisons are overcrowded as they are. 

If you're really interested in this sociological topic, I recommend taking a look at the documentary, "The House I Live In". Very, very good and thought-provoking stuff.  

352. If you had to pick one of your personality traits as being the best, which would it be?

Patience. I don't typically get annoyed, flustered, rattled, or provoked by external or internal factors as much as others do.

353. If you had the gift of magic for one day, what would you do?

I'm not much of a sci-fi guy, so I'm not even sure what qualifies as "magical powers". However, I would probably give myself the power to fly. I think it would be nice if I could just fly to work. That would make for an awesome commute. 

354. If you had to name the one thing that has changed the most about growing up since your childhood, what would it be?

The people around me. As a native New Yorker, you know that we're a rare breed. Many of my friends growing up in the city have moved away, mostly for experiences other than "city-life" or of course, for economical purposes. 

355. If you could pump enormous amounts of money into one area of scientific research, what would it be for?

Cancer research. Can you imagine what life will be like when we finally have a legit cure for the big C?

356. If you could force someone very rich to give away all their money for a single cause, who would you pick, and what cause would it go to?

Warren Buffet. Toward building civilizations and improving life in third world countries.

357. If you had to name the one area of your life that you are the least self-disciplined in, what would it be?

Going to bed AND waking up at reasonable times. I'm such a night owl that I am so undisciplined in having a routine bed time with a proper "wind down". Sometimes I even cheat myself of sleep. Although, I'm so prepared in this aspect for children as I've become very comfortable in running on few hours of sleep. 

And of course, I am a terrible morning person, so I rarely have a consistent wake up time as well. Both problems go hand in hand. 

358. If you had to describe the perfect retirement home, what it be like?

On the beach in the Carribbean, period. 

359. If you had to name the subject you took in school that you hated but turned out to be at least useful or worthwhile, what would it be?

Accounting. Most of my family on my mom's side of the tree are amazing when it comes to numbers. My mom is. A few of my aunts are math teachers. And pretty much all of my cousins are accountants. This bug skipped me. I'm a words guy. Loved english and social studies in school, and of course, enjoys writing. 

Yet, in my job, I have to maintain a budget, operate payroll for my student workers and interns, and also purchase equipment, negotiate contracts, and other various vendor transactions. So yeah, I need to have some accounting knowledge. 

Still hate it...

370. If you could have studied one subject in school that you didn't, or that wasn't offered, what would it be?

Well...MIT offers a course on comparative media in Professional Wrestling...

Kidding, sort of.

Seriously, my college began offering students the ability to minor in subjects in my Junior year. If it were just a year earlier, I would have definitely minored in communications. Especially, since the Dean was not only my debate coach, a professor I already had taken several courses with, but also is my favorite professor/teacher of all time, and someone I still keep in touch with until this day. 

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