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The IF Factor: Questions Answered #361-370

361. If you were to be asked to define what a feminist is in one sentence, what would your response be?

Someone who advocates for social, political, legal, economic, and the overall rights of women in such an alienating, aggressive way they are viewed in an negative undertone.

362. If you could establish criteria for the right to be a parent, what would they be?

I would hate to leave it in the hands of the government or to overly infringe on someone's right, however, I would love to place certain criteria like income, education, and age on having children. Depending on where you are in these areas would determine your tax bracket/aid from the government. 

All three are strong criteria for child raising. It is no guarantee, but it would effectively help in raising children.

Unfortunately, money talks, and if there was a punishment for irresponsibility in the form of money, it would influence the masses and their behaviors.

363. If you could do one thing to revise the welfare system, what would you do?

This alone, could be a several part piece on this blog. I am really disgusted by the welfare system in this country. I absolutely hate how it never forces people to want to get off depending on the system. It goes from providing basic essential aid for people going through a rough time to giving some the excuse to skate through life.

If I could add one stipulation to a topic that needs a complete overhaul, it would be to add limitations on EBT cards for those on the system. Restrict their spending to the basic essentials which the money was portioned for, and also add a picture on the card for ID purposes, obviously, to prevent fraud. 

Ugh...our welfare system is sick, and really leads to too much money being wasted.

364. If you were to have the voice of one media personality, whose would it be?

Matt Vasgersian. Awesome play-by-play man and sports personality for the MLB Network. Tremendous voice as well. 

365. If you could regulate (or deregulate) smoking, what rules would you make (or repeal)?

I don't smoke. And personally, I don't see the big deal in those looking to prevent people from smoking. It's their choice. Their right to harm their bodies if they want to. 

My only regulation would be to ban smoking in public places and buildings. 

366. If you could reform the health care system right now, how would you do it?

Wow, a lot of political questions. Tough, complex ones too. 

Much like welfare, reforming healthcare is as deep as it gets. Just take a look at what we are currently going through right now with the Affordable Healthcare Act and its implementation. 

If I could reform healthcare in a perfect world, I would offer free basic healthcare covering only select few occurences, with the option to personalize your healthcare needs through private purchasing. And no, I wouldn't have birth control covered under the basic plan. Just my opinion. 

367. If you could own one article of clothing from any film ever made, what would you take?

Well, I'd like a Dillon Panthers Hat or sweatshirt from the Friday Night Lights TV Show. And since the question was in regards to a film, I'll go with a Permian Panther's hat from Friday Night Lights the movie.

I know, rather simple, but that is what I want.

Clear eyes, full hearts...

368. If you had to name the issue that will be the most important in the next election, what would you say?

I hope it's education reform. 

Energy supply will be a hot topic. 

But, I feel immigration reform and it's role on our economy will be a hot topic.

369. If you could give one piece of advice to the Democratic party, what would it be?

Not everything has to be government aided or given. There needs to be more personal responsibility by the people to be able to govern themselves. Also, what you might see as being "progressive" sometimes is just a huge mistake in moving away from what has always worked. 

370. If you could give one piece of advice to the Republican party, what would it be?

Evolve with the times, or continue to allow the massive liberal push we are in to continue. You have values that ought to be blended in our society, however, you're too busy fighting for old battles instead of attempting to win the updated, modern, newer ones.  

Your ideologies or dated, sound bitter when discussed, and are represented by those who have supported views that have held this nation back as a whole. Again, evolve!! There is a way to modernize while keeping conservative viewpoints.

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